

[和合本] 干旱炎热消没雪水,阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。

[新标点] 干旱炎热消没雪水;阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。

[和合修] 干旱炎热融化雪水;阴间也如此吞没犯罪的人。

[新译本] 干旱与炎热怎样消除雪水,阴间也这样除去犯罪的人。

[当代修] 阴间吞噬犯罪之人,如同干热吞噬融雪。

[现代修] 就像干旱炎热融化了冰雪,阴间吞没了犯罪的人。

[吕振中] 乾旱炎热夺取了雪水,使它乾涸;阴间也掳了罪恶之辈而使灭没。

[思高本] 亢旱酷暑怎样吸尽雪水,阴府也怎样将罪犯吸去。

[文理本] 亢旱酷热、消没雪水、阴府消没罪人、

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Job 24:19

[GNT] As snow vanishes in heat and drought, so sinners vanish from the land of the living.

[BBE] Snow waters become dry with the heat: so do sinners go down into the underworld.

[KJV] Drought and heat consume the snow waters: so doth the grave those which have sinned.

[NKJV] As drought and heat consume the snow waters, [So] the grave [consumes those who] have sinned.

[KJ21] Drought and heat consume the snow waters; so doth the grave those who have sinned.

[NASB] Dryness and heat snatch away the snow waters, As (I.e., the netherworld)Sheol snatches those who have sinned.

[NRSV] Drought and heat snatch away the snow waters; so does Sheol those who have sinned.

[WEB] Drought and heat consume the snow waters, so does Sheol[*] those who have sinned.[*Sheol is the place of the dead.]

[ESV] Drought and heat snatch away the snow waters; so does Sheol those who have sinned.

[NIV] As heat and drought snatch away the melted snow, so the grave snatches away those who have sinned.

[NIrV] Melted snow disappears when the air is hot and dry. And sinners disappear when they go down into their graves.

[HCSB] As dry ground and heat snatch away the melted snow, so Sheol [steals] those who have sinned.

[CSB] As dry ground and heat snatch away the melted snow, so Sheol [steals] those who have sinned.

[AMP] Drought and heat consume the snow waters; so does Sheol (the place of the dead) those who have sinned.

[NLT] The grave consumes sinners just as drought and heat consume snow.

[YLT] Drought -- also heat -- consume snow-waters, Sheol [those who] have sinned.

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