

[和合本] 她从那里出来,我必赐她葡萄园,又赐她亚割谷作为指望的门。她必在那里应声(或作“歌唱”),与幼年的日子一样,与从埃及地上来的时候相同。”

[新标点] 她从那里出来,我必赐她葡萄园,又赐她亚割谷作为指望的门。她必在那里应声【或译:歌唱】,与幼年的日子一样,与从埃及地上来的时候相同。

[和合修] 在那里,我必赐她葡萄园,又赐她亚割谷作为指望的门。她必在那里回应,像在年轻时从埃及地上来的时候一样。

[新译本] 在那里我要把葡萄园归还给她,使亚割谷变成‘希望之门’。她必在那里回应,像她少年的时候一样,也像她从埃及地上来的那天一般。”

[当代修] 我要把葡萄园赐给她,使灾祸之谷{注*}成为希望之门。她要在那里快乐地歌唱,如在妙龄时的日子,如从埃及出来之时。”*{注:“灾祸之谷”希伯来文是“亚割谷”,“亚割”意思是“灾祸”。参见约书亚记第七章。}

[现代修] 我要把葡萄园还给她,使“灾难谷”成为“希望门”;在那里,她要回应我的爱,像她年轻、逃离埃及时一样。

[吕振中] 从那里我必赐给她葡萄园;我必使搞坏(即:地名‘亚割谷’)之山谷变为希望之门;在那里她必应声、像她年幼日子一般,像她从埃及地上来的时日那样。

[思高本] 从此我仍要将她的葡萄园赐给她,仍将阿苛尔山谷作为她的希望之门:她要上到那里,就如她幼年时,就如她从埃及地上来的那一天一样。

[文理本] 又给以葡萄园、予亚割谷、为冀望之门、在此彼必与我相应、如其幼年之时、出埃及地之日、

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Hosea 2:15

[GNT] I will give back to her the vineyards she had and make Trouble Valley a door of hope. She will respond to me there as she did when she was young, when she came from Egypt.

[BBE] And I will give her vine-gardens from there, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope; and she will give her answer there as in the days when she was young, and as in the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

[KJV] And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

[NKJV] I will give her her vineyards from there, And the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; She shall sing there, As in the days of her youth, As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.

[KJ21] And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the Valley of Achor for a door of hope; and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

[NASB] Then I will give her her vineyards from there, And the (Lit Valley of Trouble)Valley of Achor as a door of hope. And she will (Or give answer)respond there as in the days of her youth, As in the day when she went up from the land of Egypt.

[NRSV] From there I will give her her vineyards, and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she shall respond as in the days of her youth, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

[WEB] I will give her vineyards from there, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope;and she will respond there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

[ESV] And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. And there she shall answer as in the days of her youth, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

[NIV] There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.

[NIrV] I will give her back her vineyards. I will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope for her. Then she will love me, as she did when she was young. She will love me just as she did when she came up out of Egypt.

[HCSB] There I will give her vineyards back to her and make the Valley of Achor into a gateway of hope. There she will respond as [she did] in the days of her youth, as in the day she came out of the land of Egypt.

[CSB] There I will give her vineyards back to her and make the Valley of Achor into a gateway of hope. There she will respond as [she did] in the days of her youth, as in the day she came out of the land of Egypt.

[AMP] There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt. [Exod. 15:2; Josh. 7:24-26.]

[NLT] I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt.

[YLT] And given to her her vineyards from thence, And the valley of Achor for an opening of hope, And she hath responded there as in the days of her youth, And as in the day of her coming up out of the land of Egypt.

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