

[和合本] 约瑟吩咐人把粮食装满他们的器具,把各人的银子归还在各人的口袋里,又给他们路上用的食物。人就照他的话办了。

[新标点] (约瑟的哥哥们回迦南地)约瑟吩咐人把粮食装满他们的器具,把各人的银子归还在各人的口袋里,又给他们路上用的食物,人就照他的话办了。

[和合修] (约瑟的哥哥回迦南地)约瑟吩咐人把他们的器皿装满粮食,把各人的银子退还在各人的袋里,又给他们路上需用的食物。人就为他们这样做了。

[新译本] 约瑟吩咐人把五谷装满他们的袋,把他们的银子放回各人的布袋里;又给他们路上用的食物。一切就照样办了。

[当代修] 约瑟又吩咐人把他们的袋子装满粮食,把各人买粮的钱放在他们的口袋中,还为他们预备了路上的食物。仆人一一办妥了。

[现代修] 约瑟吩咐人把哥哥们的袋子装满粮食,把钱放回各人的袋子里,又替他们准备旅途的食物。一切都准备妥当,

[吕振中] 约瑟吩咐人把麦子装满了他们的器具,把他们的银子退回,各在各人的口袋里;又给他们路上用的乾粮。人就这样给他们作了。

[思高本] 若瑟遂吩咐人将他们的布袋装满了粮食,将各人的银钱仍放在各人的布袋内,并且还给了他们途中所需要的食物;人就对他们这样做了。

[文理本] 命以粮充诸昆囊、各反其金于中、馈之糇粮、遂如命以行、○

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Genesis 42:25

[GNT] Joseph gave orders to fill his brothers' packs with grain, to put each man's money back in his sack, and to give them food for the trip. This was done.

[BBE] Then Joseph gave orders for their bags to be made full of grain, and for every man's money to be put back into his bag, and for food to be given them for the journey: which was done.

[KJV] Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them.

[NKJV] Then Joseph gave a command to fill their sacks with grain, to restore every man's money to his sack, and to give them provisions for the journey. Thus he did for them.

[KJ21] Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way; and thus did he unto them.

[NASB] Then Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, but also to return every man's money in his sack, and to give them provisions for the journey. And that is what was done for them.

[NRSV] Joseph then gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to return every man's money to his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. This was done for them.

[WEB] Then Joseph gave a command to fill their bags with grain, and to restore each man's money into his sack, and to give them food for the way. So it was done to them.

[ESV] And Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, and to replace every man's money in his sack, and to give them provisions for the journey. This was done for them.

[NIV] Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man's silver back in his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. After this was done for them,

[NIrV] Joseph gave orders to have their bags filled with grain. He had each man's money put back into his sack. He also made sure they were given food for their journey.

[HCSB] Joseph then gave orders to fill their containers with grain, return each man's money to his sack, and give them provisions for their journey. This order was carried out.

[CSB] Joseph then gave orders to fill their containers with grain, return each man's money to his sack, and give them provisions for their journey. This order was carried out.

[AMP] Then [privately] Joseph commanded that their sacks be filled with grain, every man's money be restored to his sack, and provisions be given to them for the journey. And this was done for them.

[NLT] Joseph then ordered his servants to fill the men's sacks with grain, but he also gave secret instructions to return each brother's payment at the top of his sack. He also gave them supplies for their journey home.

[YLT] And Joseph commandeth, and they fill their vessels [with] corn, also to put back the money of each unto his sack, and to give to them provision for the way; and one doth to them so.

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