

[和合本] 地啊,当听!我必使灾祸临到这百姓,就是他们意念所结的果子,因为他们不听从我的言语。至于我的训诲(或作“律法”),他们也厌弃了。

[新标点] 地啊,当听!我必使灾祸临到这百姓,就是他们意念所结的果子;因为他们不听从我的言语,至于我的训诲【或译:律法】,他们也厌弃了。

[和合修] 地啊,当听!看哪,我必使灾祸临到这百姓,是他们计谋所结的果子;因为他们不肯留心听我的话,至于我的律法,他们也厌弃。

[新译本] 大地啊,要听!我必使灾祸临到这人民,这是他们的意图带来的结果;因为他们没有留心听我的话,我的律法他们也弃绝了。

[当代修] 地啊,听着!我要降灾祸给这些百姓。他们是自作自受,因为他们没有听从我的话,拒绝遵守我的律法。

[现代修] 大地呀,听吧!为了我子民的诡诈,我要降灾祸给他们;因为他们拒绝我的教训,不听从我的话。

[吕振中] 大地阿,听哦!看吧,我必使灾祸临到这人民,就是他们的意图(或译:背道)所结的果子;因为我的话他们不留心听;我的指教他们弃绝了。

[思高本] 大地!注意:看,我必给这百姓带来灾祸,作他们失节的苦果,因为他们没有听从我的言辞,抛弃了我的法律。

[文理本] 大地欤、其听之、我必降灾于斯民、为其图谋之果报、盖彼不从我言、而弃我律、

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Jeremiah 6:19

[GNT] Listen, earth! As punishment for all their schemes I am bringing ruin on these people, because they have rejected my teaching and have not obeyed my words.

[BBE] Give ear, O earth: see, I will make evil come on this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not given attention to my words, and they would have nothing to do with my law.

[KJV] Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.

[NKJV] Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people -- The fruit of their thoughts, Because they have not heeded My words, Nor My law, but rejected it.

[KJ21] Hear, O earth: Behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto My words nor to My law, but rejected it.

[NASB] Hear, earth: behold, I am bringing disaster on this people, The fruit of their (Or devices)plans, Because they have not listened to My words, And as for My Law, they have rejected it also.

[NRSV] Hear, O earth; I am going to bring disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not given heed to my words; and as for my teaching, they have rejected it.

[WEB] Hear, earth! Behold, I will bring evil on this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to my words; and as for my law, they have rejected it.

[ESV] Hear, O earth; behold, I am bringing disaster upon this people, the fruit of their devices, because they have not paid attention to my words; and as for my law, they have rejected it.

[NIV] Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law.

[NIrV] Earth, pay attention. I am going to bring trouble on them. I will punish them because of the evil things they have done. They have not listened to my words. They have said no to my law.

[HCSB] Listen, earth! I am about to bring disaster on these people, the fruit of their own plotting, for they have paid no attention to My word. They have rejected My law.

[CSB] Listen, earth! I am about to bring disaster on these people, the fruit of their own plotting, for they have paid no attention to My word. They have rejected My law.

[AMP] Hear, O earth: behold, I am bringing evil upon this people, the fruit of their thoughts (their schemes and devices) because they have not listened and obeyed My words, and as for My law, they have rejected it.

[NLT] Listen, all the earth! I will bring disaster on my people. It is the fruit of their own schemes, because they refuse to listen to me. They have rejected my word.

[YLT] Hear, O earth, lo, I am bringing evil on this people, The fruit of their devices, For to My words they gave no attention, And My law -- they kick against it.

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