

[和合本] (大卫的诗。)耶和华我的磐石是应当称颂的;他教导我的手争战,教导我的指头打仗。

[新标点] (君王为胜利感恩)(大卫的诗。)耶和华—我的磐石是应当称颂的!他教导我的手争战,教导我的指头打仗。

[和合修] (大卫的诗。君王为胜利感恩)耶和华—我的磐石是应当称颂的!他教导我的手争战,教导我的指头打仗。

[新译本] 耶和华我的磐石是应当称颂的。他教导我的手作战,训练我的指头打仗。(本节在《马索拉抄本》包括细字标题)

[当代修] (祈求拯救与丰裕)(大卫的诗。)耶和华——我的磐石当受称颂,祂使我能争善战。

[现代修] 愿保护我的上主得到颂赞!他训练我打仗,锻练我应战。

[吕振中] 永恒主我的磐石乃是当受祝颂的。他教导我的手怎样接战,他训练我的指头怎样战争。

[思高本] 144:1 达味作。上主,我的磐石,他应该常受颂赞!他教我的手能斗,教我的指能战。

[文理本] 耶和华我磐石、宜颂美之、彼训我手以战、教我指以鬬兮、

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Psalms 144:1

[GNT] Praise the LORD, my protector! He trains me for battle and prepares me for war.

[BBE] Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my fingers the art of fighting:

[KJV] Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

[NKJV] A Psalm of David. Blessed [be] the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, [And] my fingers for battle --

[KJ21] Blessed be the LORD my strength, who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight;

[NASB] (Prayer for Rescue and Prosperity. A Psalm of David.) Blessed be the Lord, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle;

[NRSV] Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;

[WEB] (By David.) Blessed be Yahweh, my rock, who teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to battle:

[ESV] OF DAVID.Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;

[NIV] Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

[NIrV] A psalm of David. Give praise to the Lord. He is my rock. He trains my hands for war. He trains my fingers for battle.

[HCSB] [Davidic.] May the LORD my rock be praised, who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for warfare.

[CSB] [Davidic.] May the LORD my rock be praised, who trains my hands for battle and my fingers for warfare.

[AMP] [A Psalm] of David. BLESSED BE the Lord, my Rock and my keen and firm Strength, Who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight--

[NLT] Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.

[YLT] By David. Blessed [is] Jehovah my rock, who is teaching My hands for war, my fingers for battle.

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