

[和合本] 求你举步去看那日久荒凉之地,仇敌在圣所中所行的一切恶事。

[新标点] 求你举步去看那日久荒凉之地,仇敌在圣所中所行的一切恶事。

[和合修] 求你举步去看那日久荒凉之地,看仇敌在圣所中所做的一切恶事。

[新译本] 求你举步去看那些长久荒凉的地方,去看仇敌在圣所里所行的一切恶事。

[当代修] 求你前去观看那久已荒凉之地,看看敌人对圣所的破坏。

[现代修] 我们的仇敌已把圣殿完全摧毁了;求你来,来巡视这片瓦砾荒场。

[吕振中] 求你举步到那日久荒凉之地,去看仇敌在圣所中所行的一切坏事。

[思高本] 74:3 求你举步踏向久存的荒野:敌人在圣所中摧毁了一切。

[文理本] 尚其举步、往视历久之荒墟、敌在圣室所行之诸恶兮、

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Psalms 74:3

[GNT] Walk over these total ruins; our enemies have destroyed everything in the Temple.

[BBE] Go up and see the unending destruction; all the evil which your haters have done in the holy place;

[KJV] Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

[NKJV] Lift up Your feet to the perpetual desolations. The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary.

[KJ21] Lift up Thy feet unto the perpetual desolations, even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

[NASB] (Lit Lift Your footsteps)Step toward the (Lit ruins ruined for all time)irreparable ruins; The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary.

[NRSV] Direct your steps to the perpetual ruins; the enemy has destroyed everything in the sanctuary.

[WEB] Lift up your feet to the perpetual ruins, all the evil that the enemy has done in the sanctuary.

[ESV] Direct your steps to the perpetual ruins; the enemy has destroyed everything in the sanctuary!

[NIV] Turn your steps toward these everlasting ruins, all this destruction the enemy has brought on the sanctuary.

[NIrV] Walk through this place that has been torn down beyond repair. See how completely your enemies have destroyed the temple!

[HCSB] Make Your way to the everlasting ruins, to all that the enemy has destroyed in the sanctuary.

[CSB] Make Your way to the everlasting ruins, to all that the enemy has destroyed in the sanctuary.

[AMP] Direct Your feet [quickly] to the perpetual ruins and desolations; the foe has devastated and desecrated everything in the sanctuary.

[NLT] Walk through the awful ruins of the city; see how the enemy has destroyed your sanctuary.

[YLT] Lift up Thy steps to the perpetual desolations, Everything the enemy did wickedly in the sanctuary.

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