

[和合本] 地要东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人;又摇来摇去,好像吊床。罪过在其上沉重,必然塌陷,不能复起。

[新标点] 地要东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人;又摇来摇去,好像吊床。罪过在其上沉重,必然塌陷,不能复起。

[和合修] 地要摇摇晃晃,好像醉酒的人,又如小屋子摇来摇去;罪过重压其上,它就塌陷,不能复起。

[新译本] 大地东歪西倒,像个醉酒的人,又摇来摇去,像座草棚;大地被其上的罪孽重重压着,以致塌陷,不能再起来。

[当代修] 大地像醉汉东摇西晃,又像暴风中的茅屋摇来摆去。它被沉重的罪恶压垮,再也无法起来。

[现代修] 大地震动,像酒醉的人东倒西歪,像台风中的茅屋摇摇晃晃。世界因罪而堕落,崩溃,破碎,永远不能再站起来。

[吕振中] 地东倒西歪、像醉酒的人,摇来摇去、好像吊床;它的罪过沉重在它上头,它塌陷下去,不能再起。

[思高本] 大地必东摇西晃,有如一个醉汉,摇荡得好比一座帐幕;自己的罪恶又重压在上面,倒塌了不能再起!

[文理本] 若醉人之蹁跹、如悬榻之动摇、负咎甚重、必遭倾覆、而不复起、○

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Isaiah 24:20

[GNT] The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again.

[BBE] The earth will be moving uncertainly, like a man overcome by drink; it will be shaking like a tent; and the weight of its sin will be on it, crushing it down so that it will not get up again.

[KJV] The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

[NKJV] The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, And shall totter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it, And it will fall, and not rise again.

[KJ21] The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

[NASB] The earth trembles like a heavy drinker And sways like a hut, For its wrongdoing is heavy upon it, And it will fall, never to rise again.

[NRSV] The earth staggers like a drunkard, it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.

[WEB] The earth will stagger like a drunken man, and will sway back and forth like a hammock. Its disobedience will be heavy on it, and it will fall and not rise again.

[ESV] The earth staggers like a drunken man; it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.

[NIV] The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again.

[NIrV] The earth will be unsteady like someone who is drunk. It will sway like a tent in the wind. Its sin will weigh so heavily on it that it will fall. It will never get up again.

[HCSB] The earth staggers like a drunkard and sways like a hut. Earth's rebellion weighs it down, and it falls, never to rise again.

[CSB] The earth staggers like a drunkard and sways like a hut. Earth's rebellion weighs it down, and it falls, never to rise again.

[AMP] The earth shall stagger like a drunken man and shall sway to and fro like a hammock; its transgression shall lie heavily upon it, and it shall fall and not rise again.

[NLT] The earth staggers like a drunk. It trembles like a tent in a storm. It falls and will not rise again, for the guilt of its rebellion is very heavy.

[YLT] Stagger greatly doth the land as a drunkard, And it hath been moved as a lodge, And heavy on it hath been its transgression, And it hath fallen, and addeth not to rise.

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