

[和合本] 耶稣说:“你们祷告的时候要说:‘我们在天上的父(有古卷作“父啊”),愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上(有古卷无“愿你的旨意云云”)。

[新标点] 耶稣说:“你们祷告的时候,要说:我们在天上的父【有古卷:父啊】:愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临;愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上【有古卷没有愿你的旨意…】。

[和合修] 耶稣对他们说:“你们祷告的时候,要说:‘父啊,【有古卷是“我们在天上的父”】愿人都尊你的名为圣;愿你的国降临;【有古卷加“愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。”】

[新译本] 耶稣说:“你们祷告的时候,要说:‘父啊,愿你的名被尊为圣,愿你的国降临(有些抄本在此有“愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上”一句);

[当代修] 耶稣对他们说:“你们应该这样祷告,“‘天父,愿人都尊崇你的圣名,愿你的国度降临,愿你的旨意在地上成就,就像在天上成就一样{注*}。*{注:有古卷无“愿你的旨意在地上成就,就像在天上成就一样”。}

[现代修] 耶稣对他们说:“你们要这样祷告:父亲啊:愿人都尊崇你的圣名;愿你在世上掌权。

[吕振中] 耶稣就对他们说:“你们祷告的时候要说:‘父阿(有古卷作:我们在天上的父),愿你的名被尊为圣;愿你的国来临(有古卷作:‘愿你的国临到我们在天上的父’;有古卷有:‘愿你的圣灵临到我们,来洁净我们’。有的古卷则加:‘愿你的旨意行在地上、如同行在天上);

[思高本] 耶稣给他们说:“你们祈祷时要说:父啊!愿你的名被尊为圣!愿你的国来临!

[文理本] 耶稣曰、尔曹祈祷、宜云、父欤、愿尔名圣、尔国临格、

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Luke 11:2

[GNT] Jesus said to them, "When you pray, say this: 'Father: May your holy name be honored; may your Kingdom come.

[BBE] And he said to them, When you say your prayers, say, Father, may your name be kept holy and your kingdom come.

[KJV] And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

[NKJV] So He said to them, "When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as [it is] in heaven.

[KJ21] And He said unto them, "When ye pray, say: Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in Heaven, so on earth.

[NASB] And He said to them, "When you pray, say: ' (Later mss add phrases from Matt 6:9-13 to make the two passages closely similar) Father, (I.e., treated as sacred or holy) hallowed be Your name. (Or May Your...come) Your kingdom come.

[NRSV] He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.

[WEB] He said to them,"When you pray, say,'Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

[ESV] And he said to them, "When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.

[NIV] He said to them, "When you pray, say: "'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.

[NIrV] Jesus said to them, "When you pray, this is what you should say. " 'Father, may your name be honored. May your kingdom come.

[HCSB] He said to them, "Whenever you pray, say: Father, Your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come.

[CSB] He said to them, "Whenever you pray, say: Father, Your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come.

[AMP] And He said to them, When you pray, say: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in heaven.

[NLT] Jesus said, "This is how you should pray: "Father, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon.

[YLT] And he said to them, 'When ye may pray, say ye: Our Father who art in the heavens; hallowed be Thy name: Thy reign come; Thy will come to pass, as in heaven also on earth;

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