

[和合本] 我要使地成为荒场,住在其上的仇敌就因此诧异。

[新标点] 我要使地成为荒场,住在其上的仇敌就因此诧异。

[和合修] 我要使这地变荒凉,甚至占领这地的敌人都惊讶。

[新译本] 我要使地荒凉,连住在那里的仇敌也惊奇。

[当代修] 我要使你们的土地荒废,连占据那里的敌人也为此而震惊。

[现代修] 我要使你们的土地完全荒废,连占领这土地的敌人看了也都惊讶!

[吕振中] 我必使你们的国土荒凉,甚至你们的仇敌住在里面的也惊讶。

[思高本] 我必使你们的地化为废墟,甚至你的仇人来居住时,还惊奇不已。

[文理本] 使尔土地荒芜、处此之敌、无不骇异、

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Leviticus 26:32

[GNT] I will destroy your land so completely that the enemies who occupy it will be shocked at the destruction.

[BBE] And I will make your land a waste, a wonder to your haters living in it.

[KJV] And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it.

[NKJV] I will bring the land to desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it.

[KJ21] And I will bring the land into desolation, and your enemies who dwell therein shall be astonished at it.

[NASB] And I will make the land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be appalled at it.

[NRSV] I will devastate the land, so that your enemies who come to settle in it shall be appalled at it.

[WEB] I will bring the land into desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it will be astonished at it.

[ESV] And I myself will devastate the land, so that your enemies who settle in it shall be appalled at it.

[NIV] I will lay waste the land, so that your enemies who live there will be appalled.

[NIrV] " 'I will destroy your land so completely that your enemies who live there will be shocked.

[HCSB] I also will devastate the land, so that your enemies who come to live there will be appalled by it.

[CSB] I also will devastate the land, so that your enemies who come to live there will be appalled by it.

[AMP] And I will bring the land into desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it.

[NLT] Yes, I myself will devastate your land, and your enemies who come to occupy it will be appalled at what they see.

[YLT] and I have made desolate the land, and your enemies, who are dwelling in it, have been astonished at it.

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