

[和合本] 你必按古时起誓应许我们列祖的话,向雅各发诚实,向亚伯拉罕施慈爱。

[新标点] 你必按古时起誓应许我们列祖的话,向雅各发诚实,向亚伯拉罕施慈爱。

[和合修] 你必按古时向我们列祖起誓的话,以信实待雅各,向亚伯拉罕施慈爱。

[新译本] 你必向雅各显诚实,向亚伯拉罕施慈爱,就是古时,你起誓应许我们列祖的。

[当代修] 你必按古时给我们列祖的誓言,以信实待雅各,以慈爱待亚伯拉罕。

[现代修] 正如你古时候应许过我们的祖先,你要对亚伯拉罕和雅各的后代显示信实不变的爱。

[吕振中] 你必向雅各显可信可靠,必向亚伯拉罕施坚固的爱,就是古时日子你向我们列祖所起誓应许的。

[思高本] 你必按照你昔日向我们祖先所发了的誓,对雅各伯表示忠信,对亚巴郎施行仁慈。

[文理本] 必依古昔与我列祖所誓之言、施诚实于雅各、行仁慈于亚伯拉罕、

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Micah 7:20

[GNT] You will show your faithfulness and constant love to your people, the descendants of Abraham and of Jacob, as you promised our ancestors long ago.

[BBE] You will make clear your good faith to Jacob and your mercy to Abraham, as you gave your oath to our fathers from times long past.

[KJV] Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old.

[NKJV] You will give truth to Jacob [And] mercy to Abraham, Which You have sworn to our fathers From days of old.

[KJ21] Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham, which Thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old.

[NASB] You will give (Or faithfulness)truth to Jacob And favor to Abraham, Which You swore to our forefathers From the days of old.

[NRSV] You will show faithfulness to Jacob and unswerving loyalty to Abraham, as you have sworn to our ancestors from the days of old.

[WEB] You will give truth to Jacob, and mercy to Abraham, as you have sworn to our fathers from the days of old.

[ESV] You will show faithfulness to Jacob and steadfast love to Abraham, as you have sworn to our fathers from the days of old.

[NIV] You will be true to Jacob, and show mercy to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our fathers in days long ago.

[NIrV] You will be true to Jacob's people. You will show your faithful love to Abraham's children. You will do what you promised to do for our people when you took an oath long ago.

[HCSB] You will show loyalty to Jacob and faithful love to Abraham, as You swore to our fathers from days long ago.

[CSB] You will show loyalty to Jacob and faithful love to Abraham, as You swore to our fathers from days long ago.

[AMP] You will show Your faithfulness and perform the sure promise to Jacob and loving-kindness and mercy to Abraham, as You have sworn to our fathers from the days of old. [Luke 1:54, 55.]

[NLT] You will show us your faithfulness and unfailing love as you promised to our ancestors Abraham and Jacob long ago.

[YLT] Thou givest truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham, That thou hast sworn to our fathers, from the days of antiquity!

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