

[和合本] 以色列中一切永献的都必归与你。

[新标点] 以色列中一切永献的都必归与你。

[和合修] 以色列中一切永献的都必归给你。

[新译本] 以色列中一切永献的物,都必归给你。

[当代修] 以色列人永远献上的一切{注*}都要归你。*{注:“永远献上的一切”指彻底奉献给耶和华的人或物,要么被毁灭,要么被献为供物。}

[现代修] “以色列中所有无条件献给我的供物都属于你们。

[吕振中] 凡以色列中的永献物都要归与你。

[思高本] 凡以色列中照禁物法所献之物,都属于你。

[文理本] 以色列族区别之物、皆必归尔、

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Numbers 18:14

[GNT] "Everything in Israel that has been unconditionally dedicated to me belongs to you.

[BBE] Everything given by oath to the Lord in Israel is to be yours.

[KJV] Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine.

[NKJV] "Every devoted thing in Israel shall be yours.

[KJ21] Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine.

[NASB] Everything banned from secular use in Israel shall be yours.

[NRSV] Every devoted thing in Israel shall be yours.

[WEB] "Everything devoted in Israel shall be yours.

[ESV] Every devoted thing in Israel shall be yours.

[NIV] "Everything in Israel that is devoted to the LORD is yours.

[NIrV] "Everything in Israel that is set apart to me belongs to you.

[HCSB] "Everything in Israel that is permanently dedicated [to the LORD] belongs to you.

[CSB] "Everything in Israel that is permanently dedicated [to the LORD] belongs to you.

[AMP] Every devoted thing in Israel [everything that has been vowed to the Lord] shall be yours.

[NLT] "Everything in Israel that is specially set apart for the LORD also belongs to you.

[YLT] every devoted thing in Israel is thine,

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