

[和合本] 你的土产和你劳碌得来的,必被你所不认识的国民吃尽。你时常被欺负,受压制,

[新标点] 你的土产和你劳碌得来的,必被你所不认识的国民吃尽。你时常被欺负,受压制,

[和合修] 你地所产的和你劳力所得的,必被你所不认识的百姓吃尽。你天天只被欺负,受压制,

[新译本] 你土地的出产和你劳碌得来的一切,都必被你不认识的民族吃尽;你必常常受压迫和压制;

[当代修] “与你们素不相识的民族必吃光你们土地的出产和劳碌所得,你们必常受欺压,

[现代修] 你们所不认识的一个民族要抢走你们辛勤耕种的农作物;你们不但得不到收获,反而经常受压迫,受虐待。

[吕振中] 你土地上的果实、你劳碌得来的、你不认识的族民必吃尽它;你只是日日不断地受欺压受压制;

[思高本] 你田地的出产和你劳力之所得,却为你不认识的一个民族吃尽;你只有时时被人压迫蹂躏;

[文理本] 尔之土产、及尔劳而得者、将为尔所未识之民吞噬、尔惟受虐见迫、历久如是、

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Deuteronomy 28:33

[GNT] A foreign nation will take all the crops that you have worked so hard to grow, while you receive nothing but constant oppression and harsh treatment.

[BBE] The fruit of your land and all the work of your hands will be food for a nation which is strange to you and to your fathers; you will only be crushed down and kept under for ever:

[KJV] The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway:

[NKJV] "A nation whom you have not known shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce of your labor, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually.

[KJ21] The fruit of thy land and all thy labors shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed always,

[NASB] A people whom you do not know will eat the produce of your ground and every product of your labor, and you will never be anything but oppressed and mistreated continually.

[NRSV] A people whom you do not know shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors; you shall be continually abused and crushed,

[WEB] A nation which you don't know will eat the fruit of your ground and all of your work. You will only be oppressed and crushed always,

[ESV] A nation that you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually,

[NIV] A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days.

[NIrV] A nation you don't know anything about will eat what you work to produce on your land. You will be completely beaten down as long as you live.

[HCSB] A people you don't know will eat your soil's produce and everything you have labored for. You will only be oppressed and crushed continually.

[CSB] A people you don't know will eat your soil's produce and everything you have labored for. You will only be oppressed and crushed continually.

[AMP] A nation which you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your land and of all your labors, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually, [Fulfilled in Judg. 6:1-6; 13:1.]

[NLT] A foreign nation you have never heard about will eat the crops you worked so hard to grow. You will suffer under constant oppression and harsh treatment.

[YLT] The fruit of thy ground, and all thy labour, eat up doth a people whom thou hast not known; and thou hast been only oppressed and bruised all the days;

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