

[和合本] 他们击杀的时候,我被留下。我就俯伏在地,说:“哎!主耶和华啊,你将忿怒倾在耶路撒冷,岂要将以色列所剩下的人都灭绝吗?”

[新标点] 他们击杀的时候,我被留下,我就俯伏在地,说:“哎!主耶和华啊,你将忿怒倾在耶路撒冷,岂要将以色列所剩下的人都灭绝吗?”

[和合修] 他们击杀的时候,只剩我一人,我就脸伏在地上,呼喊说:“唉!主耶和华啊,你将愤怒倾倒在耶路撒冷,岂要把以色列所剩余的人都灭绝吗?”

[新译本] 他们杀戮的时候,只留下我一个人,我就脸伏在地,呼叫说:“哎,主耶和华啊!难道你要向耶路撒冷倾倒你的烈怒,使所有以色列余剩的人都灭绝么?”

[当代修] 那时,只留下我一个人,我便俯伏在地上呼求:“唉,主耶和华啊!你向耶路撒冷倾倒你的烈怒,要灭绝以色列所有的余民吗?”

[现代修] 他们在城里进行大屠杀的时候,我独自留在圣殿。我伏在地上喊叫:“至高的上主啊,你真的要向耶路撒冷倒尽烈怒、把以色列仅存的人都灭尽吗?”

[吕振中] 他们去击杀的时候,只有我一人被留下,我就脸伏于地,说:“哀阿,主永恒主阿,你将你的烈怒倾倒于耶路撒冷,难道要将以色列余剩之民都灭尽么?”

[思高本] (先知祈祷未获准)他们去击杀时,只留下我一人。我就伏地掩面呼求说:“哎!吾主上主,你在耶路撒冷发泄你的愤怒,要灭绝以色列的遗民吗?”

[文理本] 击时、惟我独留、我则面伏于地、呼曰、噫、主耶和华欤、尔倾怒于耶路撒冷、岂欲尽灭以色列遗民乎、

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Ezekiel 9:8

[GNT] While the killing was going on, I was there alone. I threw myself face downward on the ground and shouted, "Sovereign LORD, are you so angry with Jerusalem that you are going to kill everyone left in Israel?"

[BBE] Now while they were doing so, and I was untouched, I went down on my face, and crying out, I said, Ah, Lord! will you give all the rest of Israel to destruction in letting loose your wrath on Jerusalem?

[KJV] And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?

[NKJV] So it was, that while they were killing them, I was left [alone;] and I fell on my face and cried out, and said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Will You destroy all the remnant of Israel in pouring out Your fury on Jerusalem?"

[KJ21] And it came to pass, while they were slaying them and I was left, that I fell upon my face and cried, and said, "Ah Lord GOD! Wilt Thou destroy all the residue of Israel in Thy pouring out of Thy fury upon Jerusalem?"

[NASB] And as they were striking the people and I alone was left, I fell on my face and cried out, (Lit and said)saying, "Oh, Lord (Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord)G od ! Are You going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel (Lit by Your pouring)by pouring out Your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[NRSV] While they were killing, and I was left alone, I fell prostrate on my face and cried out, "Ah Lord GOD! will you destroy all who remain of Israel as you pour out your wrath upon Jerusalem?"

[WEB] While they were killing, and I was left, I fell on my face, and cried, and said, "Ah Lord Yahweh! Will you destroy all the residue of Israel in your pouring out of your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[ESV] And while they were striking, and I was left alone, I fell upon my face, and cried, "Ah, Lord GOD! Will you destroy all the remnant of Israel in the outpouring of your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[NIV] While they were killing and I was left alone, I fell facedown, crying out, "Ah, Sovereign LORD! Are you going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel in this outpouring of your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[NIrV] While they were doing it, I was left alone. I fell with my face toward the ground. I cried out, "Lord and King, are you going to destroy all of the Israelites who are still left alive? Will you pour out your burning anger on all those who remain in Jerusalem?"

[HCSB] While they were killing, I was left alone. And I fell facedown and cried out, "Ah, Lord God! Are You going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel when You pour out Your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[CSB] While they were killing, I was left alone. And I fell facedown and cried out, "Ah, Lord God! Are You going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel when You pour out Your wrath on Jerusalem?"

[AMP] And while they were slaying them and I was left, I fell upon my face and cried, Ah, Lord God! Will You destroy all that is left of Israel in Your pouring out of Your wrath and indignation upon Jerusalem?

[NLT] While they were out killing, I was all alone. I fell face down on the ground and cried out, "O Sovereign LORD! Will your fury against Jerusalem wipe out everyone left in Israel?"

[YLT] And it cometh to pass, as they are smiting, and I -- I am left -- that I fall on my face, and cry, and say, 'Ah, Lord Jehovah, art Thou destroying all the remnant of Israel, in Thy pouring out Thy wrath on Jerusalem?'

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