

[和合本] 你们要听耶和华攻击以东所说的谋略,和他攻击提幔居民所定的旨意。仇敌定要将他们群众微弱的拉去,定要使他们的居所荒凉。

[新标点] 你们要听耶和华攻击以东所说的谋略和他攻击提幔居民所定的旨意。仇敌定要将他们群众微弱的拉去,定要使他们的居所荒凉。

[和合修] 你们要听耶和华攻击以东所定的计划和他攻击提幔居民所定的旨意。他们羊群当中微弱的定要被拖走,他们的草场定要变为荒凉。

[新译本] 因此,你们要听耶和华筹谋对付以东的计划,和他为了提幔的居民所定下的策略。他们羊群中最小的也必被拉去,他们的牧场也必因临到它们的灾祸而荒废。

[当代修] 因此,你们要听听耶和华攻击以东的策略,听听祂攻击提幔居民的计划。他们的孩子要被拖走,他们的家园要被毁灭。

[现代修] 所以,你们要听我的计划:我要敌对以东,对付提幔城的人。连他们的小孩都要被人拖走,人人恐惧。

[吕振中] 因此你们要听永恒主的计画、听他所设计以攻击以东的;你们要听永恒主的旨意、就是他所命定以攻击提幔居民的。仇敌竟定要将他们民群中蕞尔微小的也拉去;定要使他们的田庄因这些事而惊骇(或译:荒凉)。

[思高本] 为此,请你们听上主对厄东设计的计谋,对特曼居民策划的策略:连最弱小的羊也要被人牵去,他们的牧场也必陷于战栗中。

[文理本] 故尔宜听耶和华所定攻以东之谋、击提幔居民之志、其群之小者、敌必曳之去、使其草场荒寂、

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Jeremiah 49:20

[GNT] So listen to the plan that I have made against the people of Edom, and to what I intend to do to the people of the city of Teman. Even their children will be dragged off, and everyone will be horrified.

[BBE] For this cause give ear to the decision of the Lord which he has made against Edom, and to his purposes designed against the people of Teman: Truly, they will be pulled away by the smallest of the flock; truly, he will make waste their fields with them.

[KJV] Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he hath purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitations desolate with th

[NKJV] Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD that He has taken against Edom, And His purposes that He has proposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out; Surely He shall make their dwelling places desolate with them.

[KJ21] Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD that He hath taken against Edom, and His purposes that He hath purposed against the inhabitants of Teman. Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out; surely He shall make their habitations desolate with them.

[NASB] Therefore hear the plan of the Lord which He has planned against Edom, and His purposes which He has in mind against the inhabitants of Teman: they will certainly drag them off, even the little ones of the flock; He will certainly make their pasture desolate because of them.

[NRSV] Therefore hear the plan that the LORD has made against Edom and the purposes that he has formed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely the little ones of the flock shall be dragged away; surely their fold shall be appalled at their fate.

[WEB] Therefore hear the counsel of Yahweh, that he has taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman:Surely they will drag them away, the little ones of the flock. Surely he will make their habitation desolate over them.

[ESV] Therefore hear the plan that the LORD has made against Edom and the purposes that he has formed against the inhabitants of Teman: Even the little ones of the flock shall be dragged away. Surely their fold shall be appalled at their fate.

[NIV] Therefore, hear what the LORD has planned against Edom, what he has purposed against those who live in Teman: The young of the flock will be dragged away; he will completely destroy their pasture because of them.

[NIrV] So listen to what the Lord has planned against the people of Edom. Hear what he has planned against those who live in Teman. Edom's young people will be dragged away. The Lord will completely destroy their grasslands because of them.

[HCSB] Therefore, hear the plans that the LORD has drawn up against Edom and the strategies He has devised against the people of Teman: The flock's little lambs will certainly be dragged away, and their grazing land will be made desolate because of them.

[CSB] Therefore, hear the plans that the LORD has drawn up against Edom and the strategies He has devised against the people of Teman: The flock's little lambs will certainly be dragged away, and their grazing land will be made desolate because of them.

[AMP] Therefore hear the plan of the Lord which He has made against Edom, and His purposes which He has formed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely they shall be dragged away [by Nebuchadnezzar], even the little ones of the flock; surely He shall make their habitation desolate because of them and their fold shocked at their fate.

[NLT] Listen to the LORD's plans against Edom and the people of Teman. Even the little children will be dragged off like sheep, and their homes will be destroyed.

[YLT] Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He hath counselled concerning Edom, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the inhabitants of Teman: Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Make desolate over them doth he not their habitation?

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