

[和合本] 你们要在万国中传扬报告,竖立大旗,要报告,不可隐瞒,说:“巴比伦被攻取,彼勒蒙羞,米罗达惊惶。巴比伦的神像都蒙羞,他的偶像都惊惶。

[新标点] 你们要在万国中传扬报告,竖立大旗;要报告,不可隐瞒,说:巴比伦被攻取,彼勒蒙羞,米罗达惊惶。巴比伦的神像都蒙羞;她的偶像都惊惶。

[和合修] 你们要在万国中传扬,宣告,竖立大旗;要宣告,不可隐瞒,说:“巴比伦被攻取,彼勒【“彼勒”是巴比伦的主要神明】蒙羞,米罗达【“米罗达”是巴比伦的主要神明】惊惶。巴比伦的神像都蒙羞,它的偶像都惊惶。”

[新译本] “你们要在列国中传扬和宣告,要竖起旗帜宣扬,不可隐瞒,说:‘巴比伦被攻取了!彼勒蒙羞,米罗达惊慌;巴比伦的神像都蒙羞,它的偶像都惊慌。’

[当代修] “你要向列国宣告,你要竖起旗帜毫不隐瞒地宣告,‘巴比伦要沦陷了!它的神明彼勒必蒙羞,米罗达必惊慌;巴比伦的神像都蒙羞,偶像都必惊慌。

[现代修] 要向列国宣布消息,发出公告!要发出信号,公开传播:巴比伦陷落了!神明马杜克被粉碎了!巴比伦的偶像蒙羞受辱;可憎的神像被摔碎了!

[吕振中] “你们要传扬于列国中,使他们听到,要把旌旗竖起;要使人听到,不可隐瞒,说:‘巴比伦已被攻取,彼勒(即:巴比伦的神)蒙羞愧,米罗达(即:巴比伦的神)惊慌;巴比伦的神像都蒙羞愧,她的偶像都惊慌。’

[思高本] 你们该在民族间宣布传扬,该树起旗帜传扬,不该隐瞒,说:“巴比伦已陷落了,贝耳遭受了羞辱,默洛达客倾倒了;她的偶像遭受了耻辱,她的神祇倾倒了。”

[文理本] 宜宣告于列邦、竖立旌旆、播扬勿隐、曰、巴比伦被陷、彼勒蒙羞、米罗达倾覆、其神像惭愧、其偶像倾覆、

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Jeremiah 50:2

[GNT] "Tell the news to the nations! Proclaim it! Give the signal and announce the news! Do not keep it a secret! Babylon has fallen! Her god Marduk has been shattered! Babylon's idols are put to shame; her disgusting images are crushed!

[BBE] Give it out among the nations, make it public, and let the flag be lifted up; give the word and keep nothing back; say, Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is broken, her images are put to shame, her gods are broken.

[KJV] Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

[NKJV] "Declare among the nations, Proclaim, and set up a standard; Proclaim -- do not conceal [it -- Say,] 'Babylon is taken, Bel is shamed. Merodach is broken in pieces; Her idols are humiliated, Her images are broken in pieces.'

[KJ21] "Declare ye among the nations, and proclaim and set up a standard; proclaim and conceal not. Say, `Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces! Her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces!'

[NASB] "Declare and proclaim among the nations. Proclaim it and lift up a flag, Do not conceal it. Say, 'Babylon has been captured, Bel has been put to shame, (Heb Merodach)Marduk has been (Or dismayed)shattered; Her idols have been put to shame, her images have been shattered.'

[NRSV] Declare among the nations and proclaim, set up a banner and proclaim, do not conceal it, say: Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is dismayed. Her images are put to shame, her idols are dismayed.

[WEB] "Declare among the nations and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and don't conceal:say, 'Babylon has been taken, Bel is disappointed, Merodach is dismayed!Her images are disappointed. Her idols are dismayed.'

[ESV] "Declare among the nations and proclaim, set up a banner and proclaim, conceal it not, and say: 'Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is dismayed. Her images are put to shame, her idols are dismayed.'

[NIV] "Announce and proclaim among the nations, lift up a banner and proclaim it; keep nothing back, but say, 'Babylon will be captured; Bel will be put to shame, Marduk filled with terror. Her images will be put to shame and her idols filled with terror.'

[NIrV] "Announce this message among the nations. Lift up a banner. Let the nations hear the message. Do not keep anything back. Say, 'Babylon will be captured. The god Bel will be put to shame. Marduk will be filled with terror. Babylon's gods will be put to shame. The gods its people made will be filled with terror.'

[HCSB] Announce to the nations; proclaim and raise up a signal flag; proclaim, and hide nothing. Say: Babylon is captured; Bel is put to shame; Marduk is devastated; her idols are put to shame; her false gods, devastated.

[CSB] Announce to the nations; proclaim and raise up a signal flag; proclaim, and hide nothing. Say: Babylon is captured; Bel is put to shame; Marduk is devastated; her idols are put to shame; her false gods, devastated.

[AMP] Declare it among the nations and publish it and set up a signal [to spread the news]--publish and conceal it not; say, Babylon has been taken; Bel [the patron god] is put to shame, Merodach (Bel) is dismayed and broken down. [Babylon's] images are put to shame, her [senseless] idols are thrown down!

[NLT] This is what the LORD says: "Tell the whole world, and keep nothing back. Raise a signal flag to tell everyone that Babylon will fall! Her images and idols will be shattered. Her gods Bel and Marduk will be utterly disgraced.

[YLT] 'Declare ye among nations, and sound, And lift up an ensign, sound, do not hide, Say ye: Captured hath been Babylon, Put to shame hath been Bel, Broken hath been Merodach, Put to shame have been her grievous things, Broken have been her idols.

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