

[和合本] 记念他向以色列家所发的慈爱,所凭的信实。地的四极都看见我们 神的救恩。

[新标点] 记念他向以色列家所发的慈爱,所凭的信实。地的四极都看见我们 神的救恩。

[和合修] 记念他对以色列家的慈爱和信实。地的四极都看见我们 神的救恩。

[新译本] 他记念他向以色列家所应许的慈爱和信实,地的四极都看见我们上帝的救恩。

[当代修] 祂没有忘记以慈爱和信实对待以色列人,普天下都看见我们的上帝拯救了我们。

[现代修] 他谨守向以色列人所作的应许,以信实不变的爱待他们。全地的人都看见了我们上帝的救恩。

[吕振中] 他记得他向以色列家所应许的坚爱和可信;地的四极都看见我们上帝的拯救(同词:得胜)。

[思高本] 98:3 他记起了自己的良善和忠诚,即向以色列家族广施的宽仁。全球看见了我们天主的救恩。

[文理本] 对以色列家之慈惠信实、彼记忆之、地之四极、咸见我上帝之拯救兮、

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Psalms 98:3

[GNT] He kept his promise to the people of Israel with loyalty and constant love for them. All people everywhere have seen the victory of our God.

[BBE] He has kept in mind his mercy and his unchanging faith to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[KJV] He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[NKJV] He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[KJ21] He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[NASB] He has remembered His graciousness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[NRSV] He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.

[WEB] He has remembered his loving kindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[ESV] He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[NIV] He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

[NIrV] He has shown his faithful love to the people of Israel. People from one end of the earth to the other have seen that our God has saved us.

[HCSB] He has remembered His love and faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen our God's victory.

[CSB] He has remembered His love and faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen our God's victory.

[AMP] He has [earnestly] remembered His mercy and loving-kindness, His truth and His faithfulness toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have witnessed the salvation of our God. [Acts 13:47; 28:28.]

[NLT] He has remembered his promise to love and be faithful to Israel. The ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.

[YLT] He hath remembered His kindness, And His faithfulness to the house of Israel, All ends of earth have seen the salvation of our God.

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