

[和合本] 所以其中的居民力量甚小,惊惶羞愧。他们像野草、像青菜,如房顶上的草,又如田间未长成的禾稼。

[新标点] 所以其中的居民力量甚小,惊惶羞愧。他们像野草,像青菜,如房顶上的草,又如田间未长成的禾稼。

[和合修] 城里居民的力量甚小,他们惊惶羞愧;像野草,像青菜,如房顶上的草,被东风刮散【“被东风刮散”是根据死海古卷; 原文是“又如田间未长成的禾稼”,并且没有下节的“你站起”】。

[新译本] 因此,其中的居民软弱无力,惊惶羞愧,像田间的蔬菜和青绿的草,又像房顶上的草,还没有长起来,就干焦了。

[当代修] 城中的居民软弱无力,惊慌失措,羞愧难当,脆弱如野草和菜蔬,又像还未长大就被晒焦的房顶草。

[现代修] 我使住在那里的人束手无策,惊惶失措。他们像野地和屋顶上的杂草,被灼热的东风一吹就都枯干了。

[吕振中] 而其中的居民手力短缺,惊慌惭愧,像田间的菜蔬,像绿草之青青,如房顶上的草,被热东风烧焦(传统:庄稼未亭亭立的田园)么?

[思高本] 使城中的居民软弱无力,惊惶失措,有如田野的青草,有如青绿的嫩苗,有如屋顶上被东风吹焦的小草。

[文理本] 故其居民力微、惊惶羞愧、如田草、如青蔬、如屋上之草、如未长之禾、

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Isaiah 37:27

[GNT] The people who lived there were powerless; they were frightened and stunned. They were like grass in a field or weeds growing on a roof when the hot east wind blasts them.

[BBE] This is why their townsmen had no power, they were broken and put to shame; they were like the grass of the field, or a green plant; like the grass on the house-tops, which a cold wind makes waste.

[KJV] Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded: they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as corn blasted before it be grown up.

[NKJV] Therefore their inhabitants [had] little power; They were dismayed and confounded; They were [as] the grass of the field And the green herb, [As] the grass on the housetops And [grain] blighted before it is grown.

[KJ21] Therefore their inhabitants were of small power; they were dismayed and confounded; they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops and as corn blighted before it be grown up.

[NASB] Therefore their inhabitants were (Lit short of hand)powerless, They were shattered and put to shame; They were like the vegetation of the field and the green grass, Like grass on the housetops (As in DSS and 2 Kin 19:26; MT and as a terraced field)that is scorched before it has grown.

[NRSV] while their inhabitants, shorn of strength, are dismayed and confounded; they have become like plants of the field and like tender grass, like grass on the housetops, blighted before it is grown.

[WEB] Therefore their inhabitants had little power. They were dismayed and confounded. They were like the grass of the field, and like the green herb, like the grass on the housetops, and like a field before its crop has grown.

[ESV] while their inhabitants, shorn of strength, are dismayed and confounded, and have become like plants of the field and like tender grass, like grass on the housetops, blighted before it is grown.

[NIV] Their people, drained of power, are dismayed and put to shame. They are like plants in the field, like tender green shoots, like grass sprouting on the roof, scorched before it grows up.

[NIrV] Their people do not have any power left. They are troubled and put to shame. They are like plants in the field. They are like new green plants. They are like grass that grows on a roof. It dries up before it is completely grown.

[HCSB] Their inhabitants have become powerless, dismayed, and ashamed. They are plants of the field, tender grass, grass on the rooftops, blasted by the east wind.

[CSB] Their inhabitants have become powerless, dismayed, and ashamed. They are plants of the field, tender grass, grass on the rooftops, blasted by the east wind.

[AMP] Therefore their inhabitants had little power, they were dismayed and confounded; they were like the grass of the field and like the green herb, like the grass on the housetops and like a field of grain blasted before it is grown or is in stalk.

[NLT] That is why their people have so little power and are so frightened and confused. They are as weak as grass, as easily trampled as tender green shoots. They are like grass sprouting on a housetop, scorched before it can grow lush and tall.

[YLT] And their inhabitants are feeble-handed, They were broken down, and are dried up. They have been the herb of the field, And the greenness of the tender grass, Grass of the roofs, And blasted corn, before it hath risen up.

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