

[和合本] 约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观看,不料,有一个人手里有拔出来的刀,对面站立。约书亚到他那里,问他说:“你是帮助我们呢?是帮助我们敌人呢?”

[新标点] (约书亚和耶和华军队的元帅)约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观看,不料,有一个人手里有拔出来的刀,对面站立。约书亚到他那里,问他说:“你是帮助我们呢,是帮助我们敌人呢?”

[和合修] (耶和华军队的元帅)约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观看,看哪,有一个人站在他对面,手里拿着拔出来的刀。约书亚到他那里,对他说:“你是属我们的,还是属我们敌人的呢?”

[新译本] 约书亚走近耶利哥的时候,抬头观看,看见一个人站在他对面,手里拿着拔出来的刀。约书亚走到他那里,对他说:“你是我们的人,还是我们的仇敌呢?”

[当代修] (耶和华军队的元帅)约书亚走近耶利哥,举目看见一个人手里拿着拔出来的剑站在他面前。约书亚上前去问道:“你是来帮助我们的,还是来帮助我们敌人的?”

[现代修] 约书亚快到耶利哥的时候,忽然看见一个人站在他面前,手里拿着一把出鞘的剑。约书亚上前问他:“你是帮助我们的,还是帮助敌人的?”

[吕振中] 约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观看,忽见有一个人正在对面站着,手里拿着拔出来的刀;约书亚走到那人跟前,对他说:“你是为我们呢?还是为我们的敌人呢?”

[思高本] (若苏厄见神视)当若苏厄走近耶里哥时,举目一望,看见一个人立在他面前,手持脱鞘的刀。若苏厄走到那人面前问他说:“你是我们的人,还是我们仇敌的人?”

[文理本] 约书亚近耶利哥时、举目见有一人、拔刃对立、约书亚就而问曰、尔为我乎、为敌乎、

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Joshua 5:13

[GNT] While Joshua was near Jericho, he suddenly saw a man standing in front of him, holding a sword. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you one of our soldiers, or an enemy?"

[BBE] Now when Joshua was near Jericho, lifting up his eyes he saw a man in front of him, with his sword uncovered in his hand: and Joshua went up to him and said, Are you for us or against us?

[KJV] And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversarie

[NKJV] And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, "[Are] You for us or for our adversaries?"

[KJ21] And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there stood a man opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand; and Joshua went unto him and said unto him, "Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?"

[NASB] Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, he raised his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our enemies?"

[NRSV] Once when Joshua was by Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing before him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you one of us, or one of our adversaries?"

[WEB] When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man stood in front of him with his sword drawn in his hand. Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our enemies?"

[ESV] When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing before him with his drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"

[NIV] Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?"

[NIrV] When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him. The man was holding a sword. He was ready for battle. Joshua went up to him. He asked, "Are you on our side? Or are you on the side of our enemies?"

[HCSB] When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, "Are You for us or for our enemies?"

[CSB] When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, "Are You for us or for our enemies?"

[AMP] When Joshua was by Jericho, he looked up, and behold, a Man stood near him with His drawn sword in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, Are you for us or for our adversaries?

[NLT] When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, "Are you friend or foe?"

[YLT] And it cometh to pass in Joshua's being by Jericho, that he lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, one standing over-against him, and his drawn sword in his hand, and Joshua goeth unto him, and saith to him, 'Art thou for us or for our adversaries?'

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