

[和合本] 耶和华我的 神如此说:“你撒迦利亚要牧养这将宰的群羊。

[新标点] (两个牧人)耶和华—我的 神如此说:“你—撒迦利亚要牧养这将宰的群羊。

[和合修] (两个牧人)耶和华—我的 神如此说:“你要牧养这群将宰的羊。

[新译本] 耶和华我的上帝这样说:“你要牧养这将被宰杀的羊群。

[当代修] 我的上帝耶和华说:“你去牧养这群待宰的羊吧。

[现代修] 上主——我的上帝对我说:“你去作一群将被宰杀之羊的牧人【注13、“牧人”:牧人象征君王或领袖;羊象征君王的子民或跟从者】。

[吕振中] 永恒主我的上帝这么说:“这定被杀戮的羊群、你务要牧养。

[思高本] (牧人的比喻)上主,我的天主这样说:“你要牧放这待宰的羊群!

[文理本] 我上帝耶和华云、将宰之羊、尔其饲之、

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Zechariah 11:4

[GNT] The LORD my God said to me, "Act the part of the shepherd of a flock of sheep that are going to be butchered.

[BBE] This is what the Lord my God has said: Take care of the flock of death;

[KJV] Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter;

[NKJV] Thus says the LORD my God, "Feed the flock for slaughter,

[KJ21] Thus saith the LORD my God: "Feed the flock for the slaughter,

[NASB] This is what the Lord my God says: "Pasture the flock doomed to slaughter.

[NRSV] Thus said the LORD my God: Be a shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter.

[WEB] Yahweh my God says: "Feed the flock of slaughter.

[ESV] Thus said the LORD my God: "Become shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter.

[NIV] This is what the LORD my God says: "Pasture the flock marked for slaughter.

[NIrV] The Lord my God says, "Take care of the sheep that are set apart to be sacrificed.

[HCSB] The LORD my God says this: "Shepherd the flock intended for slaughter.

[CSB] The LORD my God says this: "Shepherd the flock intended for slaughter.

[AMP] Thus says the Lord my God: Shepherd the flock [destined] for slaughter,

[NLT] This is what the LORD my God says: "Go and care for the flock that is intended for slaughter.

[YLT] Thus said Jehovah my God: 'Feed the flock of the slaughter,

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