

[和合本] 买它们的宰了它们,以自己为无罪;卖它们的说:‘耶和华是应当称颂的,因我成为富足。’牧养它们的并不怜恤它们。

[新标点] 买他们的宰了他们,以自己为无罪;卖他们的说:‘耶和华是应当称颂的,因我成为富足。’牧养他们的并不怜恤他们。

[和合修] 买羊的宰了他们,却不认为自己有罪;卖他们的也说:‘耶和华是应当称颂的,因我富足了。’牧养他们的并不怜悯他们。

[新译本] 那些买了它们的宰杀它们,也不算为有罪;那些卖它们的说:‘耶和华是应当称颂的,因我成了富足的人。’它们的牧人并不怜恤它们。

[当代修] 买羊宰羊的不受惩罚,卖羊的说,‘耶和华当受称颂!我发财了。’它们的牧人不怜悯它们。

[现代修] 羊的主人杀了它们而未受惩罚。他们贩卖羊肉,却说:‘赞美上主,我们有钱了!’连自己的牧人都不可怜它们。”

[吕振中] 那些买了他们的、杀戮他们,而被算为无罪;那卖了他们的则说:‘愿永恒主受祝颂、使我致富’;而‘牧养’他们的竟不顾惜他们。

[思高本] 那些购买它们来宰杀的,以为无过;那卖出它们的还说:上主应受赞美,因为我成了富翁!那牧放它们的,毫不怜惜它们。

[文理本] 购者杀之、而自以为无辜、鬻者曰、耶和华宜颂美、因我富有矣、彼之牧者、亦不惜之、

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Zechariah 11:5

[GNT] Their owners kill them and go unpunished. They sell the meat and say, 'Praise the LORD! We are rich!' Even their own shepherds have no pity on them."

[BBE] Whose owners put them to death and have no sense of sin; and those who get a price for them say, May the Lord be praised for I have much wealth: and the keepers of the flock have no pity for them.

[KJV] Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.

[NKJV] "whose owners slaughter them and feel no guilt; those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich'; and their shepherds do not pity them.

[KJ21] whose possessors slay them and hold themselves not guilty; and those who sell them say, `Blessed be the LORD, for I am rich'; and their own shepherds pity them not.

[NASB] Those who buy them slaughter them and (Lit are not held guilty)go unpunished, and each of those who sell them says, 'Blessed be the Lord, for I have become rich!' And their own shepherds have no compassion for them.

[NRSV] Those who buy them kill them and go unpunished; and those who sell them say, "Blessed be the LORD, for I have become rich"; and their own shepherds have no pity on them.

[WEB] Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Blessed be Yahweh, for I am rich;' and their own shepherds don't pity them.

[ESV] Those who buy them slaughter them and go unpunished, and those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the LORD, I have become rich,' and their own shepherds have no pity on them.

[NIV] Their buyers slaughter them and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Praise the LORD, I am rich!' Their own shepherds do not spare them.

[NIrV] Those who buy them kill them. And they are not punished for it. Those who sell them say, 'Praise the Lord! We're rich!' And their own shepherds do not spare them.

[HCSB] Those who buy them slaughter them but are not punished. Those who sell them say: Praise the LORD because I have become rich! Even their own shepherds have no compassion for them.

[CSB] Those who buy them slaughter them but are not punished. Those who sell them say: Praise the LORD because I have become rich! Even their own shepherds have no compassion for them.

[AMP] Whose buyers or possessors slay them and hold themselves not guilty; and they who sell them say, Blessed be the Lord, for I have become rich! And their own shepherds neither pity nor spare them [from the wolves].

[NLT] The buyers slaughter their sheep without remorse. The sellers say, 'Praise the LORD! Now I'm rich!' Even the shepherds have no compassion for them.

[YLT] Whose buyers slay them, and are not guilty, And their sellers say, Blessed [is] Jehovah, And I am rich, And their shepherds have no pity on them.

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