

[和合本] 她的污秽是在衣襟上。她不思想自己的结局,所以非常地败落,无人安慰她。她说:“耶和华啊,求你看我的苦难,因为仇敌夸大。”

[新标点] 她的污秽是在衣襟上;她不思想自己的结局,所以非常地败落,无人安慰她。她说:耶和华啊,求你看我的苦难,因为仇敌夸大。

[和合修] 她的污秽是在下摆上;她未曾思想自己的结局,她的败落令人惊诧,无人安慰她。“耶和华啊,求你看顾我的苦难,因为仇敌强大。”

[新译本] 她的污秽沾满了衣裙;她从不思想自己的结局。所以她令人惊异地败落了;没有人安慰她。她说:“耶和华啊!求你看看我的苦难,因为仇敌显为大。”

[当代修] 她的裙子沾满污秽,她未曾想过自己的结局。她的败落无比凄惨,无人安慰。她哭喊道:“耶和华啊,仇敌已经获胜,求你垂顾我的苦难!”

[现代修] 她的污秽沾满了衣裙,却不顾虑自己的结局。她一败涂地;没有人可安慰她。她的仇敌获胜,她才呼求上主的怜恤。

[吕振中] 她的污秽就在她的裙子上;她不想到自己的结局;故此她令人惊奇地败落,没有人安慰她。以致她说:“永恒主阿,看我的苦难哦!因为仇敌夸胜了。”

[思高本] 她的污秽沾满了她的衣裙,她从未想到会有如此的结局,以致一落千丈,却没有人安慰。“上主,求你怜视我的痛苦,因为敌人正在意气高扬。

[文理本] 其裙污蔑、不念厥终兮、是以异常败落、慰藉无人兮、耶和华欤、敌自尊大、愿尔鉴我艰苦兮、

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Lamentations 1:9

[GNT] Her uncleanness was easily seen, but she showed no concern for her fate. Her downfall was terrible; no one can comfort her. Her enemies have won, and she cries to the LORD for mercy.

[BBE] In her skirts were her unclean ways; she gave no thought to her end; and her fall has been a wonder; she has no comforter: see her sorrow, O Lord; for the attacker is lifted up.

[KJV] Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end; therefore she came down wonderfully: she had no comforter. O LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself.

[NKJV] Her uncleanness [is] in her skirts; She did not consider her destiny; Therefore her collapse was awesome; She had no comforter. "O LORD, behold my affliction, For [the] enemy is exalted!"

[KJ21] Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end. Therefore she came down wondrously; she had no comforter. "O LORD, behold my affliction, for the enemy hath magnified himself!"

[NASB] Her uncleanness was in her garment's seams; She (Or remember her final end)did not think of her future. So she has (Lit gone down)fallen in an astonishing way; She has no comforter. "See, Lord, my affliction, For the enemy has (Or boasted)honored himself!"

[NRSV] Her uncleanness was in her skirts; she took no thought of her future; her downfall was appalling, with none to comfort her. "O LORD, look at my affliction, for the enemy has triumphed!"

[WEB] Her filthiness was in her skirts. She didn't remember her latter end.Therefore she has come down astoundingly. She has no comforter."See, Yahweh, my affliction; for the enemy has magnified himself."

[ESV] Her uncleanness was in her skirts; she took no thought of her future; therefore her fall is terrible; she has no comforter. "O LORD, behold my affliction, for the enemy has triumphed!"

[NIV] Her filthiness clung to her skirts; she did not consider her future. Her fall was astounding; there was none to comfort her. "Look, O LORD, on my affliction, for the enemy has triumphed."

[NIrV] Her skirts are dirty. She didn't think about how things might turn out. Her fall from power amazed everyone. And no one was there to comfort her. She said, "Lord, please pay attention to how much I'm suffering. My enemies have won the battle over me."

[HCSB] Her uncleanness [stains] her skirts. She never considered her end. Her downfall was astonishing; there was no one to comfort her. LORD, look on my affliction, for the enemy triumphs!

[CSB] Her uncleanness [stains] her skirts. She never considered her end. Her downfall was astonishing; there was no one to comfort her. LORD, look on my affliction, for the enemy triumphs!

[AMP] Her filthiness was in and on her skirts; she did not [seriously and earnestly] consider her final end. Therefore she has come down [from throne to slavery] singularly and astonishingly; she has no comforter. O Lord [cries Jerusalem], look at my affliction, for the enemy has magnified himself [in triumph]!

[NLT] She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to her future. Now she lies in the gutter with no one to lift her out. "LORD, see my misery," she cries. "The enemy has triumphed."

[YLT] Her uncleanness [is] in her skirts, She hath not remembered her latter end, And she cometh down wonderfully, There is no comforter for her. See, O Jehovah, mine affliction, For exerted himself hath an enemy.

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