

[和合本] 必当有一个洁净的人拿牛膝草蘸在这水中,把水洒在帐棚上,和一切器皿并帐棚内的众人身上,又洒在摸了骨头,或摸了被杀的,或摸了自死的,或摸了坟墓的那人身上。

[新标点] 必当有一个洁净的人拿牛膝草蘸在这水中,把水洒在帐棚上,和一切器皿并帐棚内的众人身上,又洒在摸了骨头,或摸了被杀的,或摸了自死的,或摸了坟墓的那人身上。

[和合修] 一个洁净的人要拿牛膝草蘸在这水中,把水弹在帐棚上,和一切器皿以及帐棚内的人身上,又要弹在那摸了骨头,或摸了被杀的或自然死的,或摸了坟墓的人身上。

[新译本] 要由一个洁净的人,拿牛膝草蘸在这水里,把水洒在会幕上和一切器皿,以及在那里的众人身上,又洒在摸了骨头,或是摸了被杀死的,或是摸了坟墓的人身上。

[当代修] 然后由洁净的人拿牛膝草蘸这水洒在帐篷及里面所有的人和器具上,也要洒在碰过骸骨、坟墓、被杀者尸体或自然死亡者尸体的人身上。

[现代修] 首先,要由一个洁净的人拿一根牛膝草蘸在水里,洒在帐棚和帐棚里的一切东西和人身上。其次,洁净的人要洒水在那接触到死人骨头、尸体,或坟墓的人身上。

[吕振中] 要有一个洁净的人拿唇形薄荷蘸在这水中,把水洒在帐棚上、和一切器皿、跟帐棚里的众人身上,也洒在触着骨头,或触着被刺死的、或自己死的、或触着坟墓的人身上。

[思高本] 然后一洁净的人拿牛膝草浸在水内,洒在帐幕上和其内的一切器皿并人身上,以及洒在那摸过骨骸或被害死的,或自死的,或坟墓的人身上。

[文理本] 必洁者一人、浸牛膝草于水中、洒幕与其诸器、及在幕中之众、与扪见杀者自毙者之尸、扪骨扪冢者、

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Numbers 19:18

[GNT] In the first case, someone who is ritually clean is to take a sprig of hyssop, dip it in the water, and sprinkle the tent, everything in it, and the people who were there. In the second case, someone who is ritually clean is to sprinkle the water on those who had touched the human bone or the dead body or the grave.

[BBE] And a clean person is to take hyssop and put it in the water, shaking it over the tent, and all the vessels, and the people who were there, and over him by whom the bone, or the body of one who has been put to death with the sword, or the body of one who

[KJV] And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that touched a bone, or one slain, or one dead, or a grave:

[NKJV] A clean person shall take hyssop and dip [it] in the water, sprinkle [it] on the tent, on all the vessels, on the persons who were there, or on the one who touched a bone, the slain, the dead, or a grave.

[KJ21] And a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent and upon all the vessels and upon the persons who were there, and upon him that touched a bone or one slain or one dead or a grave.

[NASB] And a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it on the tent, on all the furnishings, on the persons who were there, and on the one who touched the bone or the one who was killed or the one who died naturally, or the grave.

[NRSV] then a clean person shall take hyssop, dip it in the water, and sprinkle it on the tent, on all the furnishings, on the persons who were there, and on whoever touched the bone, the slain, the corpse, or the grave.

[WEB] A clean person shall take hyssop, dip it in the water, and sprinkle it on the tent, on all the vessels, on the persons who were there, and on him who touched the bone, or the slain, or the dead, or the grave.

[ESV] Then a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it on the tent and on all the furnishings and on the persons who were there and on whoever touched the bone, or the slain or the dead or the grave.

[NIV] Then a man who is ceremonially clean is to take some hyssop, dip it in the water and sprinkle the tent and all the furnishings and the people who were there. He must also sprinkle anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave or someone who has been kil

[NIrV] Then a man who is 'clean' must dip branches of a hyssop plant in the water. He must sprinkle the tent with it. Everything that belongs to the tent must be sprinkled with it. The people who were in the tent must also be sprinkled. Anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave must be sprinkled. So must anyone who has touched someone who has been killed. So must anyone who has touched someone who has died a natural death.

[HCSB] A person who is clean is to take hyssop, dip [it] in the water, and sprinkle the tent, all the furnishings, and the people who were there. He is also to sprinkle the one who touched a bone, a grave, a corpse, or a person who had been killed.

[CSB] A person who is clean is to take hyssop, dip [it] in the water, and sprinkle the tent, all the furnishings, and the people who were there. He is also to sprinkle the one who touched a bone, a grave, a corpse, or a person who had been killed.

[AMP] And a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons who were there, and upon him who touched the bone, or the slain, or the naturally dead, or the grave.

[NLT] Then someone who is ceremonially clean must take a hyssop branch and dip it into the water. That person must sprinkle the water on the tent, on all the furnishings in the tent, and on the people who were in the tent; also on the person who touched a human bone, or touched someone who was killed or who died naturally, or touched a grave.

[YLT] and a clean person hath taken hyssop, and hath dipped [it] in water, and hath sprinkled on the tent, and on all the vessels, and on the persons who have been there, and on him who is coming against a bone, or against one pierced, or against the dead, or against a grave.

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