

[和合本] 它们也与它同下阴间,到被杀的人那里。它们曾作它的膀臂,在列国中它的荫下居住。

[新标点] 它们也与它同下阴间,到被杀的人那里。它们曾作它的膀臂,在列国中它的荫下居住。

[和合修] 这些树也要与它同下阴间,到被刀所杀的人那里;它们曾作它的膀臂【“它的膀臂”:原文另译和七十士译本是“它的后裔”】,在列国中曾居住在它的荫下。

[新译本] 这些树与它一同下到阴间,往那些被刀剑所杀的人那里去。他们作过它的膀臂,曾在列国中住在它的荫下。

[当代修] 在它荫庇下做它爪牙的盟友都与它一同落到阴间,到被杀的人那里。

[现代修] 这些树都要跟那棵大树到阴间,跟那些被刀轮杀害的人一起。所有住在那棵树荫下的人都要被放逐到列国。

[吕振中] 它们也跟它一起下阴间,到那些被刀刺死的人那里;它的帮助者,那些在列国中住在它的荫影下的人也都下去(传统:它的膀臂它们在列国中住在它的荫影下)。

[思高本] 那些在各国住在它荫影下帮助过它的人,也随它下到阴府,同那丧身刀下的人在一起。

[文理本] 彼众素为其臂、于列国中居其荫下、偕之归于阴府、至戮于刃者之所、○

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Ezekiel 31:17

[GNT] They will go with it to the world of the dead to join those that have already fallen. And all who live under its shadow will be scattered among the nations.

[BBE] And they will go down with him to the underworld, to those who have been put to the sword; even those who were his helpers, living under his shade among the nations

[KJV] They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.

[NKJV] They also went down to hell with it, with those [slain] by the sword; and [those who were] its [strong] arm dwelt in its shadows among the nations.

[KJ21] They also went down into hell with him unto them that are slain with the sword, and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.

[NASB] They also went down with it to Sheol to those who were slain by the sword; and those who were its (Lit arm)strength lived in its shade among the nations.

[NRSV] They also went down to Sheol with it, to those killed by the sword, along with its allies, those who lived in its shade among the nations.

[WEB] They also went down into Sheol with him to those who are slain by the sword; yes, those who were his arm, who lived under his shadow in the middle of the nations.

[ESV] They also went down to Sheol with it, to those who are slain by the sword; yes, those who were its arm, who lived under its shadow among the nations.

[NIV] Those who lived in its shade, its allies among the nations, had also gone down to the grave with it, joining those killed by the sword.

[NIrV] Others also went down into the grave along with it. That included those that lived in its shade. And it included those nations that were going to help it. They joined those who had been killed with swords.

[HCSB] They too descended with it to Sheol, to those slain by the sword. As its alliesthey had lived in its shade among the nations.

[CSB] They too descended with it to Sheol, to those slain by the sword. As its alliesthey had lived in its shade among the nations.

[AMP] They also shall go down into Sheol with it to those who were slain by the sword--yes, those who were its arm, who dwelt under its shadow in the midst of the nations.

[NLT] Its allies, too, were all destroyed and had passed away. They had gone down to the grave-- all those nations that had lived in its shade.

[YLT] Also they with him have gone down to sheol, Unto the pierced of the sword, And -- his arm -- they dwelt in his shade in the midst of nations.

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