

[和合本] (大卫上行之诗。)以色列人要说,若不是耶和华帮助我们,

[新标点] ( 神是他子民的保护者)(大卫上行之诗。)以色列人要说:若不是耶和华帮助我们,

[和合修] (大卫上行之诗。 神保护他的子民)说吧,以色列:“若不是耶和华帮助我们,

[新译本] 愿以色列人说:如果不是耶和华帮助我们,(本节在《马索拉抄本》包括细字标题)

[当代修] (上帝保护祂的子民)(大卫上圣殿朝圣之诗。)以色列人要说:若不是耶和华帮助我们,

[现代修] 以色列啊,你说吧;要不是上主帮助我们,会怎样呢?

[吕振中] 让以色列人说:若不是永恒主、他在为我们,

[思高本] 124:1 登圣殿歌,达味作。若不是上主保佑我们,唯愿以色列子民再说:

[文理本] 以色列当曰、非耶和华偕我、

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Psalms 124:1

[GNT] What if the LORD had not been on our side? Answer, O Israel!

[BBE] If it had not been the Lord who was on our side (let Israel now say);

[KJV] If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;

[NKJV] A Song of Ascents. Of David. "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side," Let Israel now say --

[KJ21] "If it had not been the LORD who was on our side"--now may Israel say--

[NASB] (Praise for Rescue from Enemies. A Song of Ascents, of David.) "Had it not been the Lord who was on our side," Let Israel say,

[NRSV] If it had not been the LORD who was on our side-- let Israel now say--

[WEB] (A Song of Ascents. By David.) If it had not been Yahweh who was on our side, let Israel now say,

[ESV] A SONG OF ASCENTS. OF DAVID. If it had not been the LORD who was on our side- let Israel now say-

[NIV] If the LORD had not been on our side--let Israel say--

[NIrV] A song for those who go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. A psalm of David. Here is what Israel should say. Suppose the Lord had not been on our side.

[HCSB] [A Davidic song of ascents.] If the LORD had not been on our side-- let Israel say--

[CSB] [A Davidic song of ascents.] If the LORD had not been on our side-- let Israel say--

[AMP] A Song of Ascents. Of David. IF IT had not been the Lord Who was on our side--now may Israel say--

[NLT] What if the LORD had not been on our side? Let all Israel repeat:

[YLT] A Song of the Ascents, by David. Save [for] Jehovah -- who hath been for us, (Pray, let Israel say),

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