

[和合本] 以色列啊,你当仰望耶和华,因他有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩。

[新标点] 以色列啊,你当仰望耶和华!因他有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩。

[和合修] 以色列啊,你当仰望耶和华,因耶和华有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩。

[新译本] 以色列啊!你要仰望耶和华,因为耶和华有慈爱,也有丰盛的救恩。

[当代修] 以色列啊,要信靠耶和华,因为祂有慈爱,能完全救赎我们。

[现代修] 以色列啊,要信靠上主,因为他有不变的爱;他有丰盛的救恩。

[吕振中] 以色列阿,你要仰望永恒主;因为在永恒主那里有坚固的爱,在他那里有丰盛的赎救;

[思高本] 130:7 请以色列仰赖上主,应切于更夫待旦,因为上主富于仁慈,他必定慷慨救援。

[文理本] 以色列欤、企望耶和华、以其具有慈惠、富有救恩兮、

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Psalms 130:7

[GNT] Israel, trust in the LORD, because his love is constant and he is always willing to save.

[BBE] O Israel, have hope in the Lord; for with the Lord is mercy and full salvation.

[KJV] Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

[NKJV] O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD [there is] mercy, And with Him [is] abundant redemption.

[KJ21] Let Israel hope in the LORD, for with the LORD there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.

[NASB] Israel, wait for the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption.

[NRSV] O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.

[WEB] Israel, hope in Yahweh, for there is loving kindness with Yahweh. Abundant redemption is with him.

[ESV] O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption.

[NIV] O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.

[NIrV] Israel, put your hope in the Lord, because the Lord's love never fails. He sets his people completely free.

[HCSB] Israel, put your hope in the LORD. For there is faithful love with the Lord, and with Him is redemption in abundance.

[CSB] Israel, put your hope in the LORD. For there is faithful love with the Lord, and with Him is redemption in abundance.

[AMP] O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is mercy and loving-kindness, and with Him is plenteous redemption.

[NLT] O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows.

[YLT] Israel doth wait on Jehovah, For with Jehovah [is] kindness, And abundant with Him [is] redemption.

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