

[和合本] 义人哪,你们应当靠耶和华欢乐,正直人的赞美是合宜的。

[新标点] (颂赞之歌)义人哪,你们应当靠耶和华欢乐;正直人的赞美是合宜的。

[和合修] (颂赞之歌)义人哪,你们当因耶和华欢呼,正直人理当赞美耶和华。

[新译本] 义人哪!你们要靠着耶和华欢呼;正直人赞美主是合宜的。

[当代修] (颂赞之歌)义人啊,你们要欢然歌颂耶和华,正直的人理应赞美祂。

[现代修] 所有义人都要向上主欢呼;所有正直的人都要颂赞他。

[吕振中] 义人哪,你们要因永恒主而欢呼;正直人颂赞主、本是合宜的事。

[思高本] 33:1 义人,你们应向上主踊跃欢呼,因为正直的人,理应赞美上主。

[文理本] 尔义人欤、当缘耶和华而悦怿、正直者之颂赞、乃合宜兮、

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Psalms 33:1

[GNT] All you that are righteous, shout for joy for what the LORD has done; praise him, all you that obey him.

[BBE] Be glad in the Lord, O doers of righteousness; for praise is beautiful for the upright.

[KJV] Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.

[NKJV] Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! [For] praise from the upright is beautiful.

[KJ21] Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous! For praise is comely for the upright.

[NASB] (Praise to the Creator and Protector.) Sing for joy in the Lord, you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright.

[NRSV] Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous. Praise befits the upright.

[WEB] Rejoice in Yahweh, you righteous! Praise is fitting for the upright.

[ESV] Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright.

[NIV] Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.

[NIrV] You who are godly, sing with joy to the Lord. It is right for honest people to praise him.

[HCSB] Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful.

[CSB] Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful.

[AMP] REJOICE IN the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright [in heart].

[NLT] Let the godly sing for joy to the LORD; it is fitting for the pure to praise him.

[YLT] Sing, ye righteous, in Jehovah, For upright ones praise [is] comely.

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