

[和合本] 埃及中无论是头与尾,棕枝与芦苇,所作之工都不成就。

[新标点] 埃及中,无论是头与尾,棕枝与芦苇,所做之工都不成就。

[和合修] 在埃及,无论是头是尾,棕树枝与芦苇,所做的事都不得成就。

[新译本] 无论是头或尾、棕枝或芦苇所作的,都不能为埃及成就什么事。

[当代修] 埃及从首领到平民,从权贵到草根必一筹莫展。

[现代修] 在埃及,无论是富有的、贫穷的、高贵的、低贱的,没有一个有用。

[吕振中] 也没有什么事、是任何人可为埃及作的,无论他是头是尾,是棕枝是灯草。

[思高本] 不论是为首的、为尾的、为棕枝的、或为芦苇的作什么,为埃及无所作为。

[文理本] 埃及首尾、棕枝芦苇、无一事之可为、○

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Isaiah 19:15

[GNT] No one in Egypt, rich or poor, important or unknown, can offer help.

[BBE] And in Egypt there will be no work for any man, head or tail, high or low, to do.

[KJV] Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do.

[NKJV] Neither will there be [any] work for Egypt, Which the head or tail, Palm branch or bulrush, may do.

[KJ21] Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do.

[NASB] There will be no work for Egypt Which its head or tail, its palm branch or bulrush, may do.

[NRSV] Neither head nor tail, palm branch or reed, will be able to do anything for Egypt.

[WEB] Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which head or tail, palm branch or rush, may do.

[ESV] And there will be nothing for Egypt that head or tail, palm branch or reed, may do.

[NIV] There is nothing Egypt can do--head or tail, palm branch or reed.

[NIrV] No one in Egypt can do anything to help them. Its elders and important leaders can't help them. Its prophets and priests can't do anything. Those who rule over others can't help. And those who bow down to them can't help either.

[HCSB] No head or tail, palm or reed, will be able to do anything for Egypt.

[CSB] No head or tail, palm or reed, will be able to do anything for Egypt.

[AMP] Neither can any work [done singly or by concerted action] accomplish anything for Egypt, whether by head or tail, palm branch or rush [high or low].

[NLT] There is nothing Egypt can do. All are helpless-- the head and the tail, the noble palm branch and the lowly reed.

[YLT] And there is no work to Egypt, That head or tail, branch or reed, may do.

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