

[和合本] 他们死了,必不能再活;他们去世,必不能再起;因为你刑罚他们,毁灭他们,他们的名号就全然消灭。

[新标点] 他们死了,必不能再活;他们去世,必不能再起;因为你刑罚他们,毁灭他们,他们的名号就全然消灭。

[和合修] 死去的不能再复活,阴魂不能再兴起;你惩罚他们,使他们毁灭,他们的名号【“名号”:原文是“纪念”】就全然消灭。

[新译本] 死去的不能再活,离世的不能再起来,因为你惩罚他们,消灭了他们,使他们完全不再被记念。

[当代修] 他们都已死去,再不能复生,逝去的灵魂不能回来。因为你惩罚他们,毁灭他们,使他们被人彻底遗忘。

[现代修] 他们已经死了,不能复生,因为你惩罚他们,消灭了他们。

[吕振中] 死了的不能再活;阴魂他们不能再起;为此你察罚了他们,剿灭了他们,使他们的遗迹全然灭没。

[思高本] 死去的人不会再活,幽魂也不会复生,因为你如此惩罚了,并消灭了他们,使他们所有的记念尽被遗忘。

[文理本] 彼乃死而不苏、为幽魂不复起、尔临而灭之、泯没其志、

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Isaiah 26:14

[GNT] Now they are dead and will not live again; their ghosts will not rise, for you have punished them and destroyed them. No one remembers them any more.

[BBE] The dead will not come back to life: their spirits will not come back to earth; for this cause you have sent destruction on them, so that the memory of them is dead.

[KJV] They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.

[NKJV] [They are] dead, they will not live; [They are] deceased, they will not rise. Therefore You have punished and destroyed them, And made all their memory to perish.

[KJ21] They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise; therefore hast Thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.

[NASB] The dead will not live, the (Or shades)departed spirits will not rise; Therefore You have punished and destroyed them, And You have eliminated all remembrance of them.

[NRSV] The dead do not live; shades do not rise-- because you have punished and destroyed them, and wiped out all memory of them.

[WEB] The dead shall not live. The departed spirits shall not rise.Therefore you have visited and destroyed them, and caused all memory of them to perish.

[ESV] They are dead, they will not live; they are shades, they will not arise; to that end you have visited them with destruction and wiped out all remembrance of them.

[NIV] They are now dead, they live no more; those departed spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out all memory of them.

[NIrV] Those other masters are now dead. They will never live again. Their spirits won't rise from the dead. You punished them and destroyed them. You wiped out all memory of them.

[HCSB] The dead do not live; departed spirits do not rise up. Indeed, You have visited and destroyed them; You have wiped out all memory of them.

[CSB] The dead do not live; departed spirits do not rise up. Indeed, You have visited and destroyed them; You have wiped out all memory of them.

[AMP] They [the former tyrant masters] are dead, they shall not live and reappear; they are powerless ghosts, they shall not rise and come back. Therefore You have visited and made an end of them and caused every memory of them [every trace of their supremacy] to perish.

[NLT] Those we served before are dead and gone. Their departed spirits will never return! You attacked them and destroyed them, and they are long forgotten.

[YLT] Dead -- they live not, Rephaim, they rise not, Therefore Thou hast inspected and dost destroy them, Yea, thou destroyest all their memory.

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