

[和合本] 谁比我的仆人眼瞎呢?谁比我差遣的使者耳聋呢?谁瞎眼像那与我和好的?谁瞎眼像耶和华的仆人呢?

[新标点] 谁比我的仆人眼瞎呢?谁比我差遣的使者耳聋呢?谁瞎眼像那与我和好的?谁瞎眼像耶和华的仆人呢?

[和合修] 谁比我的仆人眼瞎呢?谁比我所差遣的使者耳聋呢?谁瞎眼像那献身给我的人?谁瞎眼【“瞎眼”:有古卷是“耳聋”】像耶和华的仆人呢?

[新译本] 有谁比我的仆人更瞎呢?有谁比我差派的使者更聋呢?有谁瞎眼像那与我立了和约的呢?有谁瞎眼像耶和华的仆人呢?

[当代修] 有谁比我的仆人更瞎,比我差遣的使者更聋呢?有谁像那些与我立约的人那样瞎呢?有谁像耶和华的仆人那样瞎呢?

[现代修] 世上有谁比我的仆人更盲目?有谁比我差遣的使者更耳聋?

[吕振中] 谁比我的仆人眼瞎呢?谁比我的使者、我所差遣的、耳聋呢?谁耳聋(传统:眼瞎)像那奉献于我的呢?谁眼瞎像永恒主的仆人呢?

[思高本] 除了我的仆人外,谁还那么瞎呢?谁如同我派遣的人那么聋呢?谁像与我立和约的人那样瞎呢?谁似上主的仆人那样聋呢?

[文理本] 谁为瞽、非我仆乎、谁为聋、如我所遣之使乎、谁为瞽如我之同盟、谁为瞽如耶和华之仆乎、

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Isaiah 42:19

[GNT] Is anyone more blind than my servant, more deaf than the messenger I send?

[BBE] Who is blind, but my servant? who has his ears stopped, but he whom I send? who is blind as my true one, or who has his ears shut like the Lord's servant?

[KJV] Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant?

[NKJV] Who [is] blind but My servant, Or deaf as My messenger [whom] I send? Who [is] blind as [he who is] perfect, And blind as the LORD's servant?

[KJ21] Who is blind, but My servant? Or deaf, as My messenger that I sent? Who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant?"

[NASB] Who is blind but My servant, Or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so blind as one who is (Or the devoted one)at peace with Me, Or so blind as the servant of the Lord?

[NRSV] Who is blind but my servant, or deaf like my messenger whom I send? Who is blind like my dedicated one, or blind like the servant of the LORD?

[WEB] Who is blind, but my servant? Or who is as deaf as my messenger whom I send?Who is as blind as he who is at peace, and as blind as Yahweh's servant?

[ESV] Who is blind but my servant, or deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as my dedicated one, or blind as the servant of the LORD?

[NIV] Who is blind but my servant, and deaf like the messenger I send? Who is blind like the one committed to me, blind like the servant of the LORD?

[NIrV] The people of Israel serve me. But who is more blind than they are? Who is more deaf than the messengers I send? Who is more blind than those who have committed themselves to be faithful to me? Who is more blind than my servants?

[HCSB] Who is blind but My servant, or deaf like My messenger I am sending? Who is blind like [My] dedicated one, or blind like the servant of the LORD?

[CSB] Who is blind but My servant, or deaf like My messenger I am sending? Who is blind like [My] dedicated one, or blind like the servant of the LORD?

[AMP] Who is blind but My servant [Israel]? Or deaf like My messenger whom I send? Who is blind like the one who is at peace with Me [who has been admitted to covenant relationship with Me]? Yes, who is blind like the Lord's servant?

[NLT] Who is as blind as my own people, my servant? Who is as deaf as my messenger? Who is as blind as my chosen people, the servant of the LORD?

[YLT] Who [is] blind but My servant? And deaf as My messenger I send? Who [is] blind as he who is at peace, Yea, blind, as the servant of Jehovah?

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