

[和合本] 耶和华以色列的圣者,就是造就以色列的如此说:“将来的事你们可以问我,至于我的众子,并我手的工作,你们可以求我命定(“求我命定”原文作“吩咐我”)。

[新标点] 耶和华—以色列的圣者,就是造就以色列的如此说:将来的事,你们可以问我;至于我的众子,并我手的工作,你们可以求我命定【原文是吩咐我】。

[和合修] 耶和华—以色列的圣者,就是造以色列的如此说:“难道我孩子的未来,你们能质问我,我手的工作,你们可以吩咐我吗?

[新译本] 以色列的圣者,造以色列的主耶和华这样说:“你们可以问我将要来的事,关于我的众子和我手所作的,你们也可以吩咐我回答。

[当代修] 耶和华——以色列的圣者和创造主说:“你们就我子民将来的事质问我吗?你们发号施令要告诉我如何做吗?

[现代修] 上主——以色列神圣的上帝、那掌握未来的创造主这样说:你无权过问有关我儿女的事,无权告诉我,我应该做些什么。

[吕振中] 以色列之圣者,那塑造以色列的、永恒主这么说:“关于我众子的事、你们要诘问我么(根据死海古卷翻译的)?关于我手所作的、你们要统管我么?

[思高本] 以色列的圣者、安排将来的上主这样说:“关于我子女的事,你们要质问我吗?或者对我手中的工作,你们有所吩咐吗!

[文理本] 以色列之圣者耶和华、肇造以色列者曰、论及未来之事、尔岂能诘我乎、论及我子、暨我手所为者、尔岂能命我乎、

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Isaiah 45:11

[GNT] The LORD, the holy God of Israel, the one who shapes the future, says: "You have no right to question me about my children or to tell me what I ought to do!

[BBE] The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, says, Will you put a question to me about the things which are to come, or will you give me orders about my sons, and the work of my hands?

[KJV] Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.

[NKJV] Thus says the LORD, The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: "Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.

[KJ21] "Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me.

[NASB] This is what the Lord says, the Holy One of Israel and (Lit He who formed him)his Maker: "(Or Will you ask)Ask Me about the things to come (Or upon)concerning My sons, And you shall commit to Me the work of My hands.

[NRSV] Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Will you question me about my children, or command me concerning the work of my hands?

[WEB] Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel and his Maker says:"You ask me about the things that are to come, concerning my sons, and you command me concerning the work of my hands!

[ESV] Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and the one who formed him: "Ask me of things to come; will you command me concerning my children and the work of my hands?

[NIV] "This is what the LORD says--the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands?

[NIrV] The Lord is the Holy One of Israel. He made them. He says to them, "Are you asking me about what will happen to my children? Are you telling me what I should do with what my hands have made?

[HCSB] This is what the LORD, the Holy One of Israel and its Maker, says: "Ask Me what is to happen to My sons, and instruct Me about the work of My hands.

[CSB] This is what the LORD, the Holy One of Israel and its Maker, says: "Ask Me what is to happen to My sons, and instruct Me about the work of My hands.

[AMP] Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Would you question Me about things to come concerning My children, and concerning the work of My hands [would you] command Me?

[NLT] This is what the LORD says-- the Holy One of Israel and your Creator: "Do you question what I do for my children? Do you give me orders about the work of my hands?

[YLT] Thus said Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel, and his Former: Ask Me of the things coming concerning My sons, Yea, concerning the work of My hands, ye command Me.'

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