

[和合本] 我的公义临近,我的救恩发出,我的膀臂要审判万民;海岛都要等候我,倚赖我的膀臂。

[新标点] 我的公义临近;我的救恩发出。我的膀臂要审判万民;海岛都要等候我,倚赖我的膀臂。

[和合修] 我的公义临近,我的救恩发出。我的膀臂要审判万民,众海岛都要等候我,倚赖我的膀臂。

[新译本] 我的公义临近,我的拯救已经发出了,我的膀臂审判万民,众海岛的人都要等候我,并且仰赖我的膀臂。

[当代修] 我的公义临近,我的拯救已经开始,我的臂膀要审判万民。众海岛都在等候我,仰赖我的臂膀。

[现代修] 我要立刻救援他们;我得胜的时候到了。我要亲自统治万国;遥远的岛屿等着我,盼望我去救援它们。

[吕振中] 我的义气迅速地临近,我的拯救已经发出,我的膀臂必统治(同词:审判)万族之民;沿海地带都等候着我,都仰赖着我的膀臂。

[思高本] 我的正义要迅速降临,我的救恩业已出现,我的手臂要掌管万民;诸岛屿都仰望我,依赖我的手臂。

[文理本] 我义伊迩、拯救既施、我必奋臂以鞫众民、岛屿将瞻望予、惟我臂力是恃、

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Isaiah 51:5

[GNT] I will come quickly and save them; the time of my victory is near. I myself will rule over the nations. Distant lands wait for me to come; they wait with hope for me to save them.

[BBE] Suddenly will my righteousness come near, and my salvation will be shining out like the light; the sea-lands will be waiting for me, and they will put their hope in my strong arm.

[KJV] My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust.

[NKJV] My righteousness [is] near, My salvation has gone forth, And My arms will judge the peoples; The coastlands will wait upon Me, And on My arm they will trust.

[KJ21] My righteousness is near; My salvation is gone forth, and Mine arms shall judge the people. The isles shall wait upon Me, and on Mine arm shall they trust.

[NASB] My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, And My arms will judge the peoples; The coastlands will wait for Me, And they will wait expectantly for My arm.

[NRSV] I will bring near my deliverance swiftly, my salvation has gone out and my arms will rule the peoples; the coastlands wait for me, and for my arm they hope.

[WEB] My righteousness is near. My salvation has gone out, and my arms will judge the peoples.The islands will wait for me, and they will trust my arm.

[ESV] My righteousness draws near, my salvation has gone out, and my arms will judge the peoples; the coastlands hope for me, and for my arm they wait.

[NIV] My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm.

[NIrV] The time for me to set you free is near. I will soon save you. My powerful arm will make everything right among the nations. The islands will put their hope in me. They will wait for my powerful arm to act.

[HCSB] My righteousness is near, My salvation appears, and My arms will bring justice to the nations. The coastlands will put their hope in Me, and they will look to My strength.

[CSB] My righteousness is near, My salvation appears, and My arms will bring justice to the nations. The coastlands will put their hope in Me, and they will look to My strength.

[AMP] My rightness and justice are near, My salvation is going forth, and My arms shall rule the peoples; the islands shall wait for and expect Me, and on My arm shall they trust and wait with hope.

[NLT] My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way. My strong arm will bring justice to the nations. All distant lands will look to me and wait in hope for my powerful arm.

[YLT] Near [is] My righteousness, Gone out hath My salvation and Mine arms, Peoples they judge, on Me isles do wait, Yea, on Mine arm they do wait with hope.

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