

[和合本] 万军之耶和华如此说:“你们列祖惹我发怒的时候,我怎样定意降祸,并不后悔。

[新标点] 万军之耶和华如此说:“你们列祖惹我发怒的时候,我怎样定意降祸,并不后悔。

[和合修] “万军之耶和华如此说:你们祖先惹我发怒的时候,我怎样定意降祸,并不改变;万军之耶和华说,

[新译本] “万军之耶和华这样说:‘你们的列祖惹我发怒的时候,我曾定意降祸在你们身上,并没有改变心意(这是万军之耶和华说的);

[当代修] “万军之耶和华说,‘从前你们的祖先惹我发怒,我决定毫不留情地降祸给他们。这是万军之耶和华说的。

[现代修] 上主——万军的统帅说:“你们的祖先惹我发怒时,我决意降祸给他们,我照计划做了,没有改变主意。

[吕振中] 因为万军之永恒主这么说:“你们列祖惹了我震怒时,我怎样定意降祸于你们,并不改变心意,万军之永恒主说的,

[思高本] 因为万军的上主这样说:就如你们的祖先惹我发怒的时候,我曾决意降罚你们──万军的上主说──而毫不动情;

[文理本] 万军之耶和华云、尔列祖激我怒时、我拟降灾、而不回意、

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Zechariah 8:14

[GNT] The LORD Almighty says, "When your ancestors made me angry, I planned disaster for them and did not change my mind, but carried out my plans.

[BBE] For this is what the Lord of armies has said: As it was my purpose to do evil to you when your fathers made me angry, says the Lord of armies, and my purpose was not changed:

[KJV] For thus saith the LORD of hosts; As I thought to punish you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath, saith the LORD of hosts, and I repented not:

[NKJV] " For thus says the LORD of hosts: 'Just as I determined to punish you When your fathers provoked Me to wrath,' Says the LORD of hosts, 'And I would not relent,

[KJ21] "For thus saith the LORD of hosts: `As I thought to punish you when your fathers provoked Me to wrath,' saith the LORD of hosts, `and I repented not,

[NASB] "For this is what the Lord of armies says: 'Just as I determined to do harm to you when your fathers provoked Me to anger,' says the Lord of armies, 'and I have not relented,

[NRSV] For thus says the LORD of hosts: Just as I purposed to bring disaster upon you, when your ancestors provoked me to wrath, and I did not relent, says the LORD of hosts,

[WEB] For Yahweh of Armies says: "As I thought to do evil to you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath," says Yahweh of Armies, "and I didn't repent;

[ESV] For thus says the LORD of hosts: "As I purposed to bring disaster to you when your fathers provoked me to wrath, and I did not relent, says the LORD of hosts,

[NIV] This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Just as I had determined to bring disaster upon you and showed no pity when your fathers angered me," says the LORD Almighty,

[NIrV] The Lord who rules over all says, "Years ago your people made me angry. So I decided to bring trouble on them. I did not show them any pity.

[HCSB] For the LORD of Hosts says this: "As I resolved to treat you badly when your fathers provoked Me to anger, and would not relent," says the LORD of Hosts,

[CSB] For the LORD of Hosts says this: "As I resolved to treat you badly when your fathers provoked Me to anger, and would not relent," says the LORD of Hosts,

[AMP] For thus says the Lord of hosts: As I thought to bring calamity upon you when your fathers provoked Me to wrath, says the Lord of hosts, and I did not relent or revoke your sentence,

[NLT] "For this is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: I was determined to punish you when your ancestors angered me, and I did not change my mind, says the LORD of Heaven's Armies.

[YLT] For, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, As I did purpose to do evil to you, When your fathers made Me wroth, Said Jehovah of Hosts, and I did not repent,

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