

[和合本] “以色列啊,你与我反对,就是反对帮助你的,自取败坏。

[新标点] 以色列啊,你与我反对,就是反对帮助你的,自取败坏。

[和合修] 现在,你的王在哪里呢?让他在你的各城中拯救你吧!你曾说“给我立君王和官长”,那些治理你的又在哪里呢?

[新译本] “以色列啊,我要毁灭你,谁能帮助你呢?

[当代修] “以色列啊,你要灭亡了,因为你抵挡我,抵挡你的帮助者。

[现代修] “以色列人哪,我要毁灭你们!有谁能救你们呢【注27、“有谁能救你们呢”是根据一古译本,希伯来文是“我是你们的拯救”】?

[吕振中] 以色列阿,我要毁灭你(传统:你的毁灭。今仿叙利亚译本改点母音译之);谁(传统:因为在我)能帮助你呢?

[思高本] (唯上主施救)以色列!我要摧毁你,有谁能援助你?

[文理本] 以色列欤、尔之败亡、乃因敌我、即助尔者、

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Hosea 13:9

[GNT] "I will destroy you, people of Israel! Then who can help you?

[BBE] I have sent destruction on you, O Israel; who will be your helper?

[KJV] O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help.

[NKJV] " O Israel, you are destroyed, But your help [is] from Me.

[KJ21] "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help.

[NASB] (Lit It has destroyed you)It is to your own destruction, Israel, That you are against Me, against your help.

[NRSV] I will destroy you, O Israel; who can help you?

[WEB] You are destroyed, Israel, because you are against me, against your help.

[ESV] He destroys you, O Israel, for you are against me, against your helper.

[NIV] "You are destroyed, O Israel, because you are against me, against your helper.

[NIrV] "Israel, you will be destroyed. I helped you. But you turned against me.

[HCSB] I will destroy you, Israel; you have no help but Me.

[CSB] I will destroy you, Israel; you have no help but Me.

[AMP] It is your destruction, O Israel, that you have been against Me, for in Me is your help.

[NLT] "You are about to be destroyed, O Israel-- yes, by me, your only helper.

[YLT] And I consume them there as a lioness, A beast of the field doth rend them.

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