

[和合本] 我必不怜悯她的儿女,因为他们是从淫乱而生的。

[新标点] 我必不怜悯她的儿女,因为他们是从淫乱而生的。

[和合修] 我必不怜悯她的儿女,因为他们是从淫乱生的儿女。

[新译本] 我必不怜恤她的儿子,因为他们是像娼妓的儿女;

[当代修] 我也不怜悯她的儿女,因为他们都是娼妓所生的儿女。

[现代修] 我不疼爱她的儿女,因为他们是淫妇生的。

[吕振中] 她的儿女我必不怜悯,因为他们是淫乱生的。

[思高本] 至于她的子女,我也不爱怜,因为是由淫乱生的子女。

[文理本] 我不矜悯其子、以其由淫而生也、

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Hosea 2:4

[GNT] 4-5 I will not show mercy to her children; they are the children of a shameless prostitute. She herself said, "I will go to my lovers-they give me food and water, wool and linen, olive oil and wine."

[BBE] And I will have no mercy on her children, for they are the children of her loose ways.

[KJV] And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms.

[NKJV] "I will not have mercy on her children, For they [are] the children of harlotry.

[KJ21] And I will not have mercy upon her children, for they are the children of whoredoms.

[NASB] Also, I will take no pity on her children, Because they are children of infidelity.

[NRSV] Upon her children also I will have no pity, because they are children of whoredom.

[WEB] Indeed, on her children I will have no mercy; for they are children of unfaithfulness;

[ESV] Upon her children also I will have no mercy, because they are children of whoredom.

[NIV] I will not show my love to her children, because they are the children of adultery.

[NIrV] I won't show my love to Gomer's children. They are the children of other men.

[HCSB] I will have no compassion on her children because they are the children of promiscuity.

[CSB] I will have no compassion on her children because they are the children of promiscuity.

[AMP] Yes, for her children I will have no love nor pity nor mercy, for they are the children of harlotry.

[NLT] And I will not love her children, for they were conceived in prostitution.

[YLT] And her sons I do not pity, For sons of whoredoms [are] they,

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