

[和合本] 但是收生婆敬畏 神,不照埃及王的吩咐行,竟存留男孩的性命。

[新标点] 但是收生婆敬畏 神,不照埃及王的吩咐行,竟存留男孩的性命。

[和合修] 但是接生婆敬畏 神,不照埃及王的吩咐去做,却让男孩活着。

[新译本] 但是,接生妇却敬畏上帝,不照着埃及王吩咐她们的去作,竟让男孩活着。

[当代修] 但这两个接生婆敬畏上帝,没有执行王的命令,而是保留了男婴的性命。

[现代修] 但是这两个接生婆敬畏上帝,不服从国王的命令;她们让男婴活着。

[吕振中] 但是助产妇敬畏上帝,不照埃及王所吩咐的去作,竟让男孩子活着。

[思高本] 但是收生婆敬畏天主,没有照埃及王的吩咐去作,保留了男孩的性命。

[文理本] 惟收生者畏上帝、不遵埃及王命、竟存男子、

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Exodus 1:17

[GNT] But the midwives were God-fearing and so did not obey the king; instead, they let the boys live.

[BBE] But the women had the fear of God, and did not do as the king of Egypt said, but let the male children go on living.

[KJV] But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

[NKJV] But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive.

[KJ21] But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

[NASB] But the midwives (Or revered)feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had (Lit spoken to)commanded them, but let the boys live.

[NRSV] But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.

[WEB] But the midwives feared God,[*] and didn't do what the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the baby boys alive.[*The Hebrew word rendered "God" is "אֱלֹהִ֑ים" (Elohim).]

[ESV] But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.

[NIV] The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.

[NIrV] But Shiphrah and Puah had respect for God. They didn't do what the king of Egypt had told them to do. They let the boys live.

[HCSB] The Hebrew midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live.

[CSB] The Hebrew midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live.

[AMP] But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded, but let the male babies live.

[NLT] But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king's orders. They allowed the boys to live, too.

[YLT] And the midwives fear God, and have not done as the king of Egypt hath spoken unto them, and keep the lads alive;

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