

[和合本] 摩西的岳父米甸祭司叶忒罗,听见 神为摩西和 神的百姓以色列所行的一切事,就是耶和华将以色列从埃及领出来的事,

[新标点] (叶忒罗访问摩西)摩西的岳父,米甸祭司叶忒罗,听见 神为摩西和 神的百姓以色列所行的一切事,就是耶和华将以色列从埃及领出来的事,

[和合修] (叶特罗的探视)摩西的岳父,米甸祭司叶特罗,听见 神为摩西和为他百姓以色列所行的一切事,就是耶和华将以色列从埃及领了出来。

[新译本] 摩西的岳父,米甸祭司叶忒罗,听见了上帝为摩西和他自己的人民以色列所行的一切,就是耶和华怎样把以色列人从埃及领出来的事,

[当代修] (叶忒罗看望摩西)摩西的岳父——米甸的祭司叶忒罗,听说上帝为摩西和祂的子民以色列人所做的一切事——如何带领他们离开埃及,

[现代修] 摩西的岳父,米甸祭司叶特罗,听到了上帝领以色列人出埃及时为摩西和他的人民所做的事,

[吕振中] 摩西的岳父、米甸祭司叶忒罗、听见上帝为摩西和上帝自己的人民以色列所行的一切事,就是永恒主怎样将以色列人从埃及领出来的事;

[思高本] (耶特洛来见梅瑟)梅瑟的岳父,米德杨的司祭耶特洛,听说天主为梅瑟和自己的百姓以色列所行的一切,听说上主将以色列人领出了埃及,

[文理本] 摩西外戚、米甸祭司叶忒罗、闻上帝为摩西、与上帝之民以色列所为、即耶和华导以色列人出埃及、

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Exodus 18:1

[GNT] Moses' father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, heard about everything that God had done for Moses and the people of Israel when he led them out of Egypt.

[BBE] Now news came to Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, of all God had done for Moses and for Israel his people, and how the Lord had taken Israel out of Egypt.

[KJV] When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father in law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt;

[NKJV] And Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel His people -- that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[KJ21] When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel His people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt,

[NASB] (Jethro, Moses' Father-in-law) Now Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard about everything that God had done for Moses and for Israel His people, how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[NRSV] Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[WEB] Now Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel his people, how Yahweh had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[ESV] Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel his people, how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[NIV] Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[NIrV] Moses' father-in-law Jethro was the priest of Midian. He heard about everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel. He heard how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[HCSB] Moses' father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, heard about everything that God had done for Moses and His people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[CSB] Moses' father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, heard about everything that God had done for Moses and His people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[AMP] NOW JETHRO [Reuel], the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel His people, and that the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt.

[NLT] Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, heard about everything God had done for Moses and his people, the Israelites. He heard especially about how the LORD had rescued them from Egypt.

[YLT] And Jethro priest of Midian, father-in-law of Moses, heareth all that God hath done for Moses, and for Israel his people, that Jehovah hath brought out Israel from Egypt,

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