

[和合本] 又不容我与外孙和女儿亲嘴,你所行的真是愚昧!

[新标点] 又不容我与外孙和女儿亲嘴?你所行的真是愚昧!

[和合修] 为什么不容许我与外孙和女儿吻别呢?你现在所做的真是愚蠢!

[新译本] 你又不让我与我的外孙和女儿亲嘴。你所作的太糊涂了!

[当代修] 你甚至不让我亲吻外孙和女儿,与他们道别,你这样做真愚蠢。

[现代修] 你这样做太傻了,连让我亲亲我外孙和女儿,向他们道别的机会都没有。

[吕振中] 又不容我跟我的子孙和女儿亲咀呢?这一下子,你可作得太糊涂了!

[思高本] 连我的儿女你都不让我与他们吻别,你作的实在糊涂!

[文理本] 不容我与子女接吻、尔之所为、是不智也、

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Genesis 31:28

[GNT] You did not even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters good-bye. That was a foolish thing to do!

[BBE] You did not even let me give a kiss to my sons and my daughters. This was a foolish thing to do.

[KJV] And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? thou hast now done foolishly in so doing.

[NKJV] "And you did not allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters. Now you have done foolishly in [so] doing.

[KJ21] and hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? Thou hast now done foolishly in so doing.

[NASB] and did not allow me to kiss my (Lit sons)grandchildren and my daughters? Now you have done foolishly.

[NRSV] And why did you not permit me to kiss my sons and my daughters farewell? What you have done is foolish.

[WEB] and didn't allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters? Now have you done foolishly.

[ESV] And why did you not permit me to kiss my sons and my daughters farewell? Now you have done foolishly.

[NIV] You didn't even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters good-by. You have done a foolish thing.

[NIrV] You didn't even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters good-by. You have done a foolish thing.

[HCSB] but you didn't even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters. You have acted foolishly.

[CSB] but you didn't even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters. You have acted foolishly.

[AMP] And why did you not permit me to kiss my sons [grandchildren] and my daughters good-bye? Now you have done foolishly [in behaving like this].

[NLT] Why didn't you let me kiss my daughters and grandchildren and tell them good-bye? You have acted very foolishly!

[YLT] and hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? -- now thou hast acted foolishly in doing [so];

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