

[和合本] 你为什么暗暗地逃跑,偷着走,并不告诉我,叫我可以欢乐、唱歌、击鼓、弹琴地送你回去?

[新标点] 你为什么暗暗地逃跑,偷着走,并不告诉我,叫我可以欢乐、唱歌、击鼓、弹琴地送你回去?

[和合修] 你为什么暗暗地逃跑,瞒着我,不通知我一声,叫我可以欢乐、唱歌、击鼓、弹琴送你回去呢?

[新译本] 你为什么暗中逃走,瞒着我不让我知道,使我可以欢欢喜喜地唱歌、击鼓、弹琴给你送行呢?

[当代修] 你为什么要偷偷地溜走?你为什么不告诉我,我好击鼓、弹琴、唱歌欢送你?

[现代修] 为什么瞒着我,一声不响溜走呢?要是你通知我一声,我一定会欢欢喜喜地送你走,用铃鼓、竖琴伴着歌唱欢送你。

[吕振中] 你为什么秘密逃走,偷袭了我、不告诉我,不让拿欢乐唱歌击手鼓弹弦琴给送行?

[思高本] 你为什么暗中偷跑,瞒着我而不通知我,叫我好能快乐的唱着歌,打着鼓,弹着琴欢送你回去?

[文理本] 曷为窃遁、而不告我、俾我鼓琴、播鼗讴歌、忻然以送、

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Genesis 31:27

[GNT] Why did you deceive me and slip away without telling me? If you had told me, I would have sent you on your way with rejoicing and singing to the music of tambourines and harps.

[BBE] Why did you make a secret of your flight, not giving me word of it, so that I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with melody and music?

[KJV] Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp?

[NKJV] "Why did you flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and not tell me; for I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with timbrel and harp?

[KJ21] Why didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth and with songs, with taboret and with harp,

[NASB] Why did you flee secretly and (Lit steal me)deceive me, and did not tell me, so that I might have sent you away with joy and with songs, with tambourine and with lyre;

[NRSV] Why did you flee secretly and deceive me and not tell me? I would have sent you away with mirth and songs, with tambourine and lyre.

[WEB] Why did you flee secretly, and deceive me, and didn't tell me, that I might have sent you away with mirth and with songs, with tambourine and with harp;

[ESV] Why did you flee secretly and trick me, and did not tell me, so that I might have sent you away with mirth and songs, with tambourine and lyre?

[NIV] Why did you run off secretly and deceive me? Why didn't you tell me, so I could send you away with joy and singing to the music of tambourines and harps?

[NIrV] Why did you run away in secret and trick me? Why didn't you tell me? Then I could have sent you away happily. We could have sung to the music of tambourines and harps.

[HCSB] Why did you secretly flee from me, deceive me, and not tell me? I would have sent you away with joy and singing, with tambourines and lyres,

[CSB] Why did you secretly flee from me, deceive me, and not tell me? I would have sent you away with joy and singing, with tambourines and lyres,

[AMP] Why did you flee secretly and cheat me and did not tell me, so that I might have sent you away with joy and gladness and with singing, with tambourine and lyre?

[NLT] Why did you slip away secretly? Why did you steal away? And why didn't you say you wanted to leave? I would have given you a farewell feast, with singing and music, accompanied by tambourines and harps.

[YLT] Why hast thou hidden thyself to flee, and deceivest me, and hast not declared to me, and I send thee away with joy and with songs, with tabret and with harp,

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