

[和合本] 免得他们在吃圣物上自取罪孽,因为我是叫他们成圣的耶和华。”

[新标点] 免得他们在吃圣物上自取罪孽,因为我是叫他们成圣的耶和华。”

[和合修] 免得他们因吃圣物而自取罪孽。我是使他们分别为圣的耶和华。”

[新译本] 免得他们因吃了圣物而担当罪孽过犯;因为我是使他们分别为圣的耶和华。”

[当代修] 以免有人因擅自吃圣物而担罪、受罚。我是使圣物圣洁的耶和华。”

[现代修] (编注:并于上节)

[吕振中] 以致他们因吃圣物而担当罪罚而负罪责;因为我永恒主是把他们分别为圣的。”

[思高本] 而使他们因吃自己献的圣物,负起赔偿的罪债;因为我是使他们成圣的上主。”

[文理本] 免食圣物、自取罪戾、盖我乃耶和华、使之成圣也、○

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Leviticus 22:16

[GNT] by letting any unauthorized people eat them; this would bring guilt and punishment on such people. I am the LORD and I make the offerings holy."

[BBE] So causing sin to come on them when they take their holy things for food: I am the Lord who make them holy.

[KJV] Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass, when they eat their holy things: for I the LORD do sanctify them.

[NKJV] or allow them to bear the guilt of trespass when they eat their holy [offerings;] for I the LORD sanctify them.' "

[KJ21] or allow them to bear the iniquity of trespass when they eat their holy things: for I the LORD do sanctify them.'"

[NASB] and thereby bring upon them (Or wrongdoing requiring a guilt offering)punishment for guilt by eating their holy gifts; for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.'"

[NRSV] causing them to bear guilt requiring a guilt offering, by eating their sacred donations: for I am the LORD; I sanctify them.

[WEB] and so cause them to bear the iniquity that brings guilt when they eat their holy things; for I am Yahweh who sanctifies them.'"

[ESV] and so cause them to bear iniquity and guilt, by eating their holy things: for I am the LORD who sanctifies them."

[NIV] by allowing them to eat the sacred offerings and so bring upon them guilt requiring payment. I am the LORD, who makes them holy.'"

[NIrV] The priests must not allow the offerings to become "unclean" by letting the people eat them. If they do, they will bring guilt on the people. They will have to pay for what they have done. I am the Lord. I make them holy.' "

[HCSB] and have them bear the penalty of restitution if the people eat their holy offerings. For I am the LORD who sets them apart."

[CSB] and have them bear the penalty of restitution if the people eat their holy offerings. For I am the LORD who sets them apart."

[AMP] And so cause them [by neglect of any essential observance] to bear the iniquity when they eat their holy things; for I the Lord sanctify them.

[NLT] by allowing unauthorized people to eat them. This would bring guilt upon them and require them to pay compensation. I am the LORD who makes them holy."

[YLT] nor have caused them to bear the iniquity of the guilt-offering in their eating their holy things; for I [am] Jehovah, sanctifying them.'

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