

[和合本] “你晓谕亚伦和他子孙,并以色列众人说:以色列家中的人,或在以色列中寄居的,凡献供物,无论是所许的愿,是甘心献的,就是献给耶和华作燔祭的,

[新标点] “你晓谕亚伦和他子孙,并以色列众人说:以色列家中的人,或在以色列中寄居的,凡献供物,无论是所许的愿,是甘心献的,就是献给耶和华作燔祭的,

[和合修] “你要吩咐亚伦和他子孙,以及以色列众人,对他们说:以色列家中的人,或在以色列中寄居的【“寄居的”:有古卷和撒玛利亚五经是“寄居的外人”】,若要献供物给耶和华作燔祭,无论是为所许的愿或是甘心献的,

[新译本] “你要告诉亚伦和亚伦的儿子,以及所有以色列人,对他们说:任何以色列家的人,或是在以色列中寄居的外人,奉献供物的时候,无论是为还愿,或是甘心献给耶和华的燔祭,

[当代修] “你把以下条例告诉亚伦父子们及所有以色列人。“任何以色列人或寄居在以色列的外族人若向耶和华献燔祭,无论是为了还愿还是出于自愿,

[现代修] 向亚伦、他的儿子们,和以色列全体人民说:“以色列人民或住在他们当中的外侨,凡献烧化祭的,无论是还愿或自愿的,必须献没有残缺的祭牲。

[吕振中] “你要告诉亚伦和他儿子们跟以色列众人说:‘以色列家的人、或是在以色列中寄居的、凡献供物,无论是还愿的、是自愿献的、就是他所献与永恒主做燔祭的,

[思高本] “你告诉亚郎和他的儿子,以及全体以色列子民说:以色列家中或住在以色列中的外方人,任何人如奉献祭品,不管是为还愿,或出于自愿,献给上主作全燔祭的,

[文理本] 告亚伦及其子、与以色列族云、凡以色列族、暨其中之宾旅、或为偿愿、或出乐输、以献燔祭、

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Leviticus 22:18

[GNT] to give Aaron and his sons and all the people of Israel the following regulations. When any Israelite or any foreigner living in Israel presents a burnt offering, whether as fulfillment of a vow or as a freewill offering, the animal must not have any defects.

[BBE] Say to Aaron and to his sons and to all the children of Israel, If any man of the children of Israel, or of another nation living in Israel, makes an offering, given because of an oath or freely given to the Lord for a burned offering;

[KJV] Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them, Whatsoever he be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his oblation for all his vows, and for all his freewill offerings, which t

[NKJV] "Speak to Aaron and his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and say to them: 'Whatever man of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, who offers his sacrifice for any of his vows or for any of his freewill offerings, which they offer to the LORD as a burnt offering --

[KJ21] "Speak unto Aaron and to his sons and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them: `Whosoever he be of the house of Israel or of the strangers in Israel, who will offer his oblation for all his vows and for all his freewill offerings, which they w

[NASB] "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and say to them, 'Anyone of the house of Israel or of the strangers in Israel who presents his offering, whether it is any of their (Or vowed offerings)vows or any of their (Or freewill offerings)voluntary offerings, which they present to the Lord as a burnt offering—

[NRSV] Speak to Aaron and his sons and all the people of Israel and say to them: When anyone of the house of Israel or of the aliens residing in Israel presents an offering, whether in payment of a vow or as a freewill offering that is offered to the LORD as a

[WEB] "Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and say to them, 'Whoever is of the house of Israel, or of the foreigners in Israel, who offers his offering, whether it is any of their vows or any of their free will offerings, which they offer to Yahweh for a burnt offering:

[ESV] "Speak to Aaron and his sons and all the people of Israel and say to them, When any one of the house of Israel or of the sojourners in Israel presents a burnt offering as his offering, for any of their vows or freewill offerings that they offer to the LORD,

[NIV] "Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites and say to them: 'If any of you--either an Israelite or an alien living in Israel--presents a gift for a burnt offering to the LORD, either to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering,

[NIrV] "Speak to Aaron and his sons. Speak to all of the people of Israel. Tell them, 'Suppose any of you brings a gift for a burnt offering to the Lord. It does not matter whether you are an Israelite or an outsider who lives in Israel. It does not matter whether you bring the offering to keep a promise or because you choose to give it.

[HCSB] "Speak to Aaron, his sons, and all the Israelites and tell them: Any man of the house of Israel or of the foreign residents in Israel who presents his offering-- whether they present freewill gifts or payment of vows to the LORD as burnt offerings--

[CSB] "Speak to Aaron, his sons, and all the Israelites and tell them: Any man of the house of Israel or of the foreign residents in Israel who presents his offering-- whether they present freewill gifts or payment of vows to the LORD as burnt offerings--

[AMP] Say to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites, Whoever of the house of Israel and of the foreigners in Israel brings his offering, whether to pay a vow or as a freewill offering which is offered to the Lord for a burnt offering

[NLT] "Give Aaron and his sons and all the Israelites these instructions, which apply both to native Israelites and to the foreigners living among you."If you present a gift as a burnt offering to the LORD, whether it is to fulfill a vow or is a voluntary offering,

[YLT] 'Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and unto all the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Any man of the house of Israel, or of the sojourners in Israel, who bringeth near his offering, of all his vows, or of all his willing offerings which they bring near to Jehovah for a burnt-offering;

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