

[和合本] “你将亚伦和他儿子一同带来,并将圣衣、膏油,与赎罪祭的一只公牛、两只公绵羊、一筐无酵饼都带来,

[新标点] “你将亚伦和他儿子一同带来,并将圣衣、膏油,与赎罪祭的一只公牛、两只公绵羊、一筐无酵饼都带来,

[和合修] “你领亚伦和他儿子前来,并将圣衣、膏油,与赎罪祭的一头公牛、两只公绵羊、一筐无酵饼都一同带来;

[新译本] “你要把亚伦和他的儿子,连同圣衣、膏油、赎罪祭的一头公牛、两只公绵羊,一篮无酵饼都带来,

[当代修] “你把亚伦父子们带来,也要带圣衣、膏油、一头作赎罪祭的公牛、两只公绵羊和一篮无酵饼,

[现代修] “你要带亚伦和他的儿子们到我圣幕门口。你也要带祭司的圣服、按立用的圣油、一头赎罪祭的小公牛、两只公绵羊,和一篮无酵饼去,

[吕振中] “你要将亚伦带来,叫他的儿子们和他一同来,也将圣衣和膏油、跟作为解罪祭的一只公牛、两只公绵羊、和一筐无酵饼、都带来;

[思高本] “你领亚郎和他的儿子一同前来,带着祭衣、圣油、作赎罪祭的公牛犊,两只公绵羊和一筐无酵饼;

[文理本] 汝携亚伦及其子、与衣暨膏、并赎罪祭之牡犊一、牡绵羊二、无酵饼一筐、

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Leviticus 8:2

[GNT] "Take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tent of my presence and bring the priestly garments, the anointing oil, the young bull for the sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread.

[BBE] Take Aaron, and his sons with him, and the robes and the holy oil and the ox of the sin-offering and the two male sheep and the basket of unleavened bread;

[KJV] Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread;

[NKJV] "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, the anointing oil, a bull as the sin offering, two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread;

[KJ21] "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread;

[NASB] "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments and the anointing oil, and the bull of the sin offering, and the two rams and the basket of unleavened bread,

[NRSV] Take Aaron and his sons with him, the vestments, the anointing oil, the bull of sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;

[WEB] "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the bull of the sin offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;

[ESV] "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments and the anointing oil and the bull of the sin offering and the two rams and the basket of unleavened bread.

[NIV] "Bring Aaron and his sons, their garments, the anointing oil, the bull for the sin offering, the two rams and the basket containing bread made without yeast,

[NIrV] "Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. Bring their clothes and the anointing oil. Bring the bull for the sin offering. Also bring two rams. And bring the basket with the bread that is made without yeast.

[HCSB] "Take Aaron, his sons with him, the garments, the anointing oil, the bull of the sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread,

[CSB] "Take Aaron, his sons with him, the garments, the anointing oil, the bull of the sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread,

[AMP] Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments [symbols of their office], and the anointing oil, and the bull of the sin offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;

[NLT] "Bring Aaron and his sons, along with their sacred garments, the anointing oil, the bull for the sin offering, the two rams, and the basket of bread made without yeast,

[YLT] 'Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the bullock of the sin-offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened things,

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