

[和合本] 门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!

[新标点] 门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!

[和合修] 20 门徒出去,到处传福音。主和他们同工,藉着伴随的神迹证实所传的道。【有古卷加“阿们!”】

[新译本] 门徒出去,到处传扬福音,主和他们同工,借着相随的神迹,证实所传的道。(有少数抄本有〔较短的结语〕:9“那些妇女把耶稣所吩咐的一切都告诉彼得和他的同伴。10这些事以后,耶稣借着他们亲自把那神圣不朽、永远救恩的信息从东到西传扬出去。阿们。”放在第8节之后;另有少数抄本把它放在第20节之后。)

[当代修] 门徒出去到处传扬福音,主和他们一同工作,借着神迹证实他们所传的道。

[现代修] 门徒出去,到处传福音;主与他们同工,藉着所行的神迹,证明他们所传的道是真实的。]·另有古卷有下列结语·[9那些妇女去见彼得和他的朋友,把所听到的都向他们报告。10事后,耶稣亲自差遣他的门徒,从东到西,传布那神圣、不朽、使人获得永恒拯救的信息。]

[吕振中] 那些人呢、就出去,各处宣传;主一同工作,用紧随着的神迹证实所传的道。(有古卷无9-12节,而有下文:他们将受嘱咐的一切事简截地向彼得和同伴报告。这些事以后、耶稣自己、藉着他们、从东从西、把所宣传、那圣而不朽坏的永世拯救、传送出去。)

[思高本] 他们出去,到处宣讲,主与他们合作,并以奇迹相随,证实所传的道理。

[文理本] 门徒出、随在宣教、主与之偕行、以相随之异迹证其道焉、阿们、

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Mark 16:20

[GNT] After this, Jesus himself sent out through his disciples from the east to the west the sacred and everliving message of eternal salvation.]

[BBE] And they went out, preaching everywhere, the Lord working with them, and giving witness to the word by the signs which came after. So be it.

[KJV] And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

[NKJV] And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with [them] and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

[KJ21] And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the Word with signs following. Amen.

[NASB] And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed. ]] [[ (A few late mss and ancient versions contain this paragraph, usually after v 8; a few have it at the end of the ch) And they promptly reported all these instructions to Peter and his companions. And after that, Jesus Himself also sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. ]]

[NRSV] And they went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it.

[WEB] They went out, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed. Amen.

[ESV] And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.]]

[NIV] Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

[NIrV] Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them. And he backed up his word by the signs that went with it.

[HCSB] And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the accompanying signs.]]

[CSB] And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the accompanying signs.]

[AMP] And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it).

[NLT] And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.

[YLT] and they, having gone forth, did preach everywhere, the Lord working with [them], and confirming the word, through the signs following. Amen.

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