

[和合本] 提阿非罗大人哪,有好些人提笔作书,述说在我们中间所成就的事,是照传道的人从起初亲眼看见又传给我们的。

[新标点] (写给提阿非罗)提阿非罗大人哪,有好些人提笔作书,述说在我们中间所成就的事,是照传道的人从起初亲眼看见又传给我们的。

[和合修] (1-3)提阿非罗大人哪,有好些人提笔作书,述说在我们中间所实现的事,是照传道的人从起初亲眼看见又传给我们的。这些事我从起头都详细考察了,我也想按着次序写给你,

[新译本] 尊敬的提阿非罗先生,因为有许多人,已经把在我们中间成就了的事,

[当代修] 1-2 提阿非罗大人,已经有很多人根据最初的目击者和传道者给我们的口述,把我们中间发生的事记载下来。

[现代修] 提阿非罗阁下:已经有好些人从事写作,报导在我们当中所发生的事。

[吕振中] 既有许多人着手将我们中间确曾发生过的事实按次叙说,

[思高本] (序言)德敖斐罗钧座:关于在我们中间所完成的事迹,已有许多人,

[文理本] 盖多有举笔作传、陈述我中已成之事、

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Luke 1:1

[GNT] Dear Theophilus: Many people have done their best to write a report of the things that have taken place among us.

[BBE] As a number of attempts have been made to put together in order an account of those events which took place among us,

[KJV] Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,

[NKJV] Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which have been fulfilled among us,

[KJ21] Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,

[NASB] (Introduction) Since many have undertaken to compile an account of the things (Or on which there is full conviction)accomplished among us,

[NRSV] Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us,

[WEB] Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,

[ESV] Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us,

[NIV] Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us,

[NIrV] Many people have attempted to write about the things that have taken place among us.

[HCSB] Many have undertaken to compile a narrative about the events that have been fulfilled among us,

[CSB] Many have undertaken to compile a narrative about the events that have been fulfilled among us,

[AMP] SINCE [as is well known] many have undertaken to put in order and draw up a [thorough] narrative of the surely established deeds which have been accomplished and fulfilled in and among us,

[NLT] Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us.

[YLT] Seeing that many did take in hand to set in order a narration of the matters that have been fully assured among us,

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