

[和合本] 那时有余剩的贵胄和百姓一同下来。耶和华降临,为我攻击勇士。

[新标点] 那时有余剩的贵胄和百姓一同下来;耶和华降临,为我攻击勇士。

[和合修] 那时,贵族中的幸存者前进,耶和华的百姓为我前进攻击勇士。

[新译本] 那时余剩的贵胄下来;耶和华带着勇士下到我这里来。

[当代修] 幸存的以色列人响应他们的首领,耶和华的子民为我攻击勇士。

[现代修] 忠信的人走向他们的首领;上主的子民到他【注9、“他”是根据一古译本,希伯来文是“我”】面前准备作战。

[吕振中] 那时有余剩的贵胄和人民一同下来;永恒主降临,为我攻击勇士。

[思高本] (战友)英雄的后裔,请出征!上主的百姓,请随勇士为我出征!

[文理本] 维时、所遗贵胄庶民、下攻强敌、耶和华莅临、为我下击勇士、

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Judges 5:13

[GNT] Then the faithful ones came down to their leaders; the LORD's people came to him ready to fight.

[BBE] Then the chiefs went down to the doors; the Lord's people went down among the strong ones.

[KJV] Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people: the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty.

[NKJV] "Then the survivors came down, the people against the nobles; The LORD came down for me against the mighty.

[KJ21] "Then He made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people; the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty.

[NASB] Then survivors came down to the nobles; The people of the Lord came down to me as warriors.

[NRSV] Then down marched the remnant of the noble; the people of the LORD marched down for him against the mighty.

[WEB] "Then a remnant of the nobles and the people came down. Yahweh came down for me against the mighty.

[ESV] Then down marched the remnant of the noble; the people of the LORD marched down for me against the mighty.

[NIV] "Then the men who were left came down to the nobles; the people of the LORD came to me with the mighty.

[NIrV] "Then the people who were left came down to the nobles. The people of the Lord came to me against the powerful enemy.

[HCSB] The survivors came down to the nobles; the LORD's people came down to me with the warriors.

[CSB] The survivors came down to the nobles; the LORD's people came down to me with the warriors.

[AMP] Then down marched the remnant of the nobles, the people of the Lord marched down for Me against the mighty.

[NLT] "Down from Tabor marched the few against the nobles. The people of the LORD marched down against mighty warriors.

[YLT] Then him who is left of the honourable ones He caused to rule the people of Jehovah, He caused me to rule among the mighty.

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