

[和合本] 玛律的居民心甚忧急,切望得好处,因为灾祸从耶和华那里临到耶路撒冷的城门。

[新标点] 玛律的居民心甚忧急,切望得好处,因为灾祸从耶和华那里临到耶路撒冷的城门。

[和合修] 玛律的居民心甚忧急,切望得着福气,因为灾祸已从耶和华那里临到耶路撒冷的城门。

[新译本] 玛律的居民,急待得着幸福,因有灾祸从耶和华那里降下,临到耶路撒冷的城门。

[当代修] 玛律的居民痛苦不堪,渴望得到拯救,因为耶和华已把灾难降到耶路撒冷的城门。

[现代修] 玛律的居民渴望痛苦得到解除,因为上主已经把灾难带到耶路撒冷的城门了!

[吕振中] 玛律(即:‘苦味’的意思)苦境的居民焦急等候着福利,因为有灾祸从永恒主那里降到耶路撒冷的城门。

[思高本] 灾祸已由上主降于耶路撒冷的门前,玛洛特的居民还怎能希望幸福?

[文理本] 玛律居民忧虑、而望福祉、因祸自耶和华降于耶路撒冷之门、

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Micah 1:12

[GNT] The people of Maroth anxiously wait for relief, because the LORD has brought disaster close to Jerusalem.

[BBE] For the one living in Maroth is waiting for good: for evil has come down from the Lord to the doorways of Jerusalem.

[KJV] For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good: but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem.

[NKJV] For the inhabitant of Maroth pined for good, But disaster came down from the LORD To the gate of Jerusalem.

[KJ21] For the inhabitant of Maroth waited anxiously for good, but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem.

[NASB] For the inhabitant of (I.e., bitterness)Maroth (Or possibly has been in agony for)Waits for something good, Because a disaster has come down from the L ord To the gate of Jerusalem.

[NRSV] For the inhabitants of Maroth wait anxiously for good, yet disaster has come down from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem.

[WEB] For the inhabitant of Maroth waits anxiously for good, because evil has come down from Yahweh to the gate of Jerusalem.

[ESV] For the inhabitants of Maroth wait anxiously for good, because disaster has come down from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem.

[NIV] Those who live in Maroth writhe in pain, waiting for relief, because disaster has come from the LORD, even to the gate of Jerusalem.

[NIrV] Those who live in Maroth will groan with pain as they wait for help. That's because the Lord will bring trouble on them. It will reach the very gate of Jerusalem.

[HCSB] Though the residents of Maroth anxiously wait for something good, calamity has come from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem.

[CSB] Though the residents of Maroth anxiously wait for something good, calamity has come from the LORD to the gate of Jerusalem.

[AMP] For the inhabitant of Maroth [bitterness] writhes in pain [at its losses] and waits anxiously for good, because evil comes down from the Lord to the gate of Jerusalem.

[NLT] The people of Maroth anxiously wait for relief, but only bitterness awaits them as the LORD's judgment reaches even to the gates of Jerusalem.

[YLT] For stayed for good hath the inhabitant of Maroth, For evil hath come down from Jehovah to the gate of Jerusalem.

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