

[和合本] 城中若吹角,百姓岂不惊恐呢?灾祸若临到一城,岂非耶和华所降的吗?

[新标点] 城中若吹角,百姓岂不惊恐呢?灾祸若临到一城,岂非耶和华所降的吗?

[和合修] 主耶和华不会做任何事情,除非先将奥秘指示他的仆人众先知。

[新译本] 城中如果吹起号角,居民怎会不惊慌呢?灾祸如果临到某城,不是耶和华所降的吗?

[当代修] 若城中响起号角,居民岂不恐惧颤抖?若灾祸降临城中,岂不是耶和华的作为?

[现代修] 作战的警号一响,城里的居民会不害怕吗?除非出于上主的旨意,灾祸会临到那城吗?

[吕振中] 城中若吹了号角,人民哪有不震颤发抖呢?若有灾祸临到一座城,岂不是永恒主所降的么?

[思高本] 如在城中吹起号角,人民岂不恐怖?如城里发生灾祸,岂不是上主所为?

[文理本] 邑中吹角、民岂不惧乎、邑中遭祸、岂非耶和华所为乎、

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Amos 3:6

[GNT] Does the war trumpet sound in a city without making the people afraid? Does disaster strike a city unless the LORD sends it?

[BBE] If the horn is sounded in the town will the people not be full of fear? will evil come on a town if the Lord has not done it?

[KJV] Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

[NKJV] If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done [it?]

[KJ21] Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

[NASB] If a trumpet is blown in a city, will the people not tremble? If a disaster occurs in a city, has the Lord not brought it about?

[NRSV] Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster befall a city, unless the LORD has done it?

[WEB] Does the trumpet alarm sound in a city, without the people being afraid?Does evil happen to a city, and Yahweh hasn't done it?

[ESV] Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?

[NIV] When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?

[NIrV] When someone blows a trumpet in a city, don't the people tremble with fear? When trouble comes to a city, hasn't the Lord caused it?

[HCSB] If a ram's horn is blown in a city, aren't people afraid? If a disaster occurs in a city, hasn't the LORD done it?

[CSB] If a ram's horn is blown in a city, aren't people afraid? If a disaster occurs in a city, hasn't the LORD done it?

[AMP] Shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be alarmed and afraid? Shall misfortune or evil occur [as punishment] and the Lord has not caused it?

[NLT] When the ram's horn blows a warning, shouldn't the people be alarmed? Does disaster come to a city unless the LORD has planned it?

[YLT] Is a trumpet blown in a city, And do people not tremble? Is there affliction in a city, And Jehovah hath not done [it]?

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