

[和合本] 有人告诉大卫,他就聚集以色列众人,过约旦河,来到希兰。亚兰人迎着大卫摆阵,与他打仗。

[新标点] 有人告诉大卫,他就聚集以色列众人,过约旦河,来到希兰。亚兰人迎着大卫摆阵,与他打仗。

[和合修] 有人告诉大卫,他就聚集以色列众人过约旦河,来到希兰。亚兰人迎着大卫摆阵,与他打仗。

[新译本] 有人告诉了大卫,他就聚集所有的以色列人,渡过约旦河,来到了希兰。亚兰人摆好了阵迎击大卫,与他交战。

[当代修] 大卫听到消息后,就召集以色列全军,渡过约旦河,来到希兰。亚兰人列阵迎战大卫,

[现代修] 大卫知道了,就调动以色列军队,渡过约旦河,往希兰,就是叙利亚人向着大卫布阵的地方进军。战斗一开始,

[吕振中] 有人告诉大卫,大卫就聚集了以色列众人,过约们河来到希兰。亚兰人摆好了阵迎接大卫,同他交战。

[思高本] 达味一得了情报,就调集所有的以色列人,渡过约但河,来到赫蓝。阿兰人遂列阵进攻达味,与他交战。

[文理本] 或告大卫、遂集以色列众、济约但、至希兰、亚兰人列陈、与大卫战、

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2 Samuel 10:17

[GNT] When David heard of it, he gathered the Israelite troops, crossed the Jordan River, and marched to Helam, where the Syrians took up their position facing him. The fighting began,

[BBE] And word of this was given to David: and he got all Israel together and went over Jordan and came to Helam. And the Aramaeans put their forces in position against David, and made an attack on him.

[KJV] And when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together, and passed over Jordan, and came to Helam. And the Syrians set themselves in array against David, and fought with him.

[NKJV] When it was told David, he gathered all Israel, crossed over the Jordan, and came to Helam. And the Syrians set themselves in battle array against David and fought with him.

[KJ21] And when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together and passed over the Jordan and came to Helam. And the Syrians set themselves in array against David, and fought with him.

[NASB] Now when it was reported to David, he gathered all Israel together and crossed the Jordan, and came to Helam. And the Arameans lined up against David and fought him.

[NRSV] When it was told David, he gathered all Israel together, and crossed the Jordan, and came to Helam. The Arameans arrayed themselves against David and fought with him.

[WEB] David was told that; and he gathered all Israel together, passed over the Jordan, and came to Helam. The Syrians set themselves in array against David, and fought with him.

[ESV] And when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together and crossed the Jordan and came to Helam. The Syrians arrayed themselves against David and fought with him.

[NIV] When David was told of this, he gathered all Israel, crossed the Jordan and went to Helam. The Arameans formed their battle lines to meet David and fought against him.

[NIrV] David was told about it. So he gathered the whole army of Israel together. They went across the Jordan River to Helam. The Arameans lined up their soldiers to go to war against David. They began to fight against him.

[HCSB] When this was reported to David, he gathered all Israel, crossed the Jordan, and went to Helam. Then the Arameans lined up in formation to engage David in battle and fought against him.

[CSB] When this was reported to David, he gathered all Israel, crossed the Jordan, and went to Helam. Then the Arameans lined up in formation to engage David in battle and fought against him.

[AMP] When David was told, he gathered all Israel, crossed the Jordan, and came to Helam. Then the Syrians set themselves in array against David and fought with him.

[NLT] When David heard what was happening, he mobilized all Israel, crossed the Jordan River, and led the army to Helam. The Arameans positioned themselves in battle formation and fought against David.

[YLT] And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in to Helam, and Aram setteth itself in array to meet David, and they fight with him;

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