

[和合本] 就藉先知拿单赐他一个名字叫耶底底亚,因为耶和华爱他。

[新标点] 就借先知拿单赐他一个名字,叫耶底底亚,因为耶和华爱他。

[和合修] 就藉拿单先知赐他一个名字,叫耶底底亚【“耶底底亚”意思是“耶和华所爱的”】;这是为了耶和华的缘故。

[新译本] 就差派拿单先知去,照着耶和华的吩咐,给他起名叫耶底底亚。

[当代修] 祂差遣拿单先知去赐给他一个名字——耶底底亚,意思是耶和华喜爱他。

[现代修] 吩咐先知拿单给这孩子取名叫耶底底亚【注16、“耶底底亚”意思是“上主所疼爱的”】,因为上主喜爱他。

[吕振中] 便由神言人拿单经手送个信儿,给孩子起名叫耶底底亚(即:永恒主所爱的),照永恒主所吩咐的话(传统:为了永恒主的缘故)。

[思高本] 派了先知纳堂去,代替上主给他起了个别号,叫耶狄狄雅。

[文理本] 藉先知拿单名子曰耶底底亚、缘耶和华之故也、○

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2 Samuel 12:25

[GNT] and commanded the prophet Nathan to name the boy Jedidiah, because the LORD loved him.

[BBE] And he sent word by Nathan the prophet, who gave him the name Jedidiah, by the word of the Lord.

[KJV] And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[NKJV] and He sent [word] by the hand of Nathan the prophet: So he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[KJ21] And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and he called his name Jedidiah [that is, Beloved of the Lord], because of the LORD.

[NASB] and sent word through Nathan the prophet, and he named him (I.e., beloved of the L ord)Jedidiah for the Lord's sake.

[NRSV] and sent a message by the prophet Nathan; so he named him Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[WEB] and he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and he named him Jedidiah,[*] for Yahweh's sake.[*"Jedidiah" means "loved by Yahweh".]

[ESV] and sent a message by Nathan the prophet. So he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[NIV] and because the LORD loved him, he sent word through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah.

[NIrV] So the Lord sent a message through the prophet Nathan. It said, "Name the boy Jedidiah."

[HCSB] and He sent [a message] through Nathan the prophet, who named him Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[CSB] and He sent [a message] through Nathan the prophet, who named him Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

[AMP] He sent [a message] by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and [Nathan] called the boy's [special] name Jedidiah [beloved of the Lord], because the Lord [loved the child].

[NLT] and sent word through Nathan the prophet that they should name him Jedidiah (which means "beloved of the LORD"), as the LORD had commanded.

[YLT] and sendeth by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and calleth his name Jedidiah, because of Jehovah.

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