

[和合本] 若单吹一枝,众首领,就是以色列军中的统领,要聚集到你那里。

[新标点] 若单吹一枝,众首领,就是以色列军中的统领,要聚集到你那里。

[和合修] 若只吹一枝,众领袖,就是以色列部队的官长,要到你那里聚集。

[新译本] 如果单吹一枝,众领袖,就是以色列的族长,都要到你那里聚集。

[当代修] 如果只吹响一支号,担任首领的以色列各族长要聚集到你那里。

[现代修] 如果只有一支银号筒吹响,只有各宗族的领袖集合到你面前。

[吕振中] 他们若单吹一枝,众首领、以色列的族系长、就要聚集拢来到你这里。

[思高本] 若只吹一个喇叭,以色列的千夫长,作首领的应集合到你跟前。

[文理本] 吹一角时、以色列军旅之牧伯、必集就尔、

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Numbers 10:4

[GNT] But when only one trumpet is sounded, then only the leaders of the clans are to gather around you.

[BBE] If only one of them is sounded, then the chiefs, the heads of the thousands of Israel, are to come to you.

[KJV] And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.

[NKJV] "But if they blow [only] one, then the leaders, the heads of the divisions of Israel, shall gather to you.

[KJ21] And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, who are heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee.

[NASB] But if only one is blown, then the leaders, the heads of the (Lit thousands; or clans)divisions of Israel, shall meet you.

[NRSV] But if only one is blown, then the leaders, the heads of the tribes of Israel, shall assemble before you.

[WEB] If they blow just one, then the princes, the heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves to you.

[ESV] But if they blow only one, then the chiefs, the heads of the tribes of Israel, shall gather themselves to you.

[NIV] If only one is sounded, the leaders--the heads of the clans of Israel--are to assemble before you.

[NIrV] Suppose only one trumpet is blown. Then the leaders must gather in front of you. They are the heads of the tribes of Israel.

[HCSB] However, if one is sounded, only the leaders, the heads of Israel's clans, are to gather before you.

[CSB] However, if one is sounded, only the leaders, the heads of Israel's clans, are to gather before you.

[AMP] And if one blast on a single trumpet is blown, then the princes or leaders, heads of the tribes of Israel, shall gather themselves to you.

[NLT] But if only one trumpet is blown, then only the leaders-- the heads of the clans of Israel-- must present themselves to you.

[YLT] And if with one they blow, then have the princes, heads of the thousands of Israel, met together unto thee;

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