

[和合本] 正月十五日,就是逾越节的次日,以色列人从兰塞起行,在一切埃及人眼前昂然无惧地出去。

[新标点] 正月十五日,就是逾越节的次日,以色列人从兰塞起行,在一切埃及人眼前昂然无惧地出去。

[和合修] 第一个月,就是正月十五日,逾越的第二天,他们从兰塞起行,在所有埃及人的眼前抬起头【“抬起头”:原文是“举起手”】来出去了。

[新译本] 一月十五日,就是逾越节的次日,以色列人从兰塞起行,在所有埃及人眼前昂然无惧地出去了。

[当代修] 一月十五日,即逾越节的第二天,埃及人眼睁睁地看着以色列人昂首挺胸地离开了兰塞。

[现代修] 以色列人在正月十五日,也就是第一个逾越节的隔日,离开埃及。他们因有上主的保护,在埃及人众目睽睽下昂然无惧地离开了兰塞城;

[吕振中] 正月十五日、就是逾越节的次日、以色列人从兰塞往前行,在埃及人众人眼前、以(或译:靠着上帝)高举的手出来,

[思高本] 他们于正月十五日由辣默色斯起程,即在逾越节第二日,以色列子民大胆地、当着众埃及人的面出走了,

[文理本] 正月之望、逾越节之翌日、以色列族自兰塞启行、昂然而出、为埃及人目击、

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Numbers 33:3

[GNT] The people of Israel left Egypt on the fifteenth day of the first month of the year, the day after the first Passover. Under the LORD's protection they left the city of Rameses in full view of the Egyptians,

[BBE] On the fifteenth day of the first month they went out from Rameses; on the day after the Passover the children of Israel went out by the power of the Lord before the eyes of all the Egyptians,

[KJV] And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.

[NKJV] They departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the Passover the children of Israel went out with boldness in the sight of all the Egyptians.

[KJ21] And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month. On the morrow after the Passover the children of Israel went out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[NASB] Now they journeyed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the Passover the sons of Israel started out (Lit with a high hand)boldly in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[NRSV] They set out from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the passover the Israelites went out boldly in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[WEB] They traveled from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover, the children of Israel went out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[ESV] They set out from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month. On the day after the Passover, the people of Israel went out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[NIV] The Israelites set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the Passover. They marched out boldly in full view of all the Egyptians,

[NIrV] The people of Israel started out from Rameses. It was the 15th day of the first month. It was the day after the Passover Feast. They marched out boldly in plain sight of all of the Egyptians.

[HCSB] They departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the month. On the day after the Passover the Israelites went out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians.

[CSB] They departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the month. On the day after the Passover the Israelites went out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians.

[AMP] They set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the Passover the Israelites went out [of Egypt] with a high hand and triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians,

[NLT] They set out from the city of Rameses in early spring-- on the fifteenth day of the first month-- on the morning after the first Passover celebration. The people of Israel left defiantly, in full view of all the Egyptians.

[YLT] And they journey from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the morrow of the passover have the sons of Israel gone out with a high hand, before the eyes of all the Egyptians --

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